Morning meese…Reading “What Happened” is cathartic. I can hear Hillary reading me the words as if she’s with me. It’s truly amazing in that I’ve read a couple 1000 books but never have read one until now where I’ve gotten the feeling that the author was actually reading it to me instead of me just reading. I’ve gotten similar feelings reading some of the books I’ve read before but this is just different and richly rewarding.

From “What Happened”

I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. Life is no “brief candle” to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment;and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.

George Bernard Shaw

So now it’s on to the Bum’s tax plan. His plan to screw all of us and award the 1% becasue they are so demonized.


As for the R’s and their terrible try at killing healthcare…


Always like listening to Keith’s concise breakdowns…





Bye Roy, you asshole.



Thread about that Fuckin Bernie and his deplorable berners…


Sorry to hear this and hope she beats the cancer…

Great response and tribute from Uncle Joe!



This is you friday open thread.

Fire away!




About Batch 76 Articles
64, Life long Democrat...Kossack ex-pat...fed up with the puritanical leftists wanting to destroy our Party.


  1. Wow, what a great post, Batch! Glad I had time to stop by—Fridays are less frenetic around my house.

    Heh, heh. So glad about Hillary’s book. You’ve given me the impetus to carry on reading it. I’ve been going very slowly because my feelings are still tender.

    Feeling a bit better this morning because PR seems to be getting some help (although not enough), and it’s COOLER here in NoVa! Yay!

    Have a good day, all!

    • Hey, Diana. Come over to my helpers diary if you want some uplifting, feel good stories (yes, Batch, I’m stealing your posters).

  2. {{{Batch}}} – great roundup – I love Hillary and kids even more than Obama and kids and that’s saying something! I love it that her book is kicking the Rs off the list – even their trolls buying up job lots can’t compete with our love and respect for Popular Vote Winner Hillary. And it certainly would be Justice if Roy Moore ended up in prison by the time the election happens in December. :)

    And the Rs are just Evil, no two ways about it. We have a harder job to do than our parent’s generation – they were fighting an external fascism and had pretty much the whole country pulling together in that fight. We are fighting internal fascism and the country is as divided as we were during the Civil War. But in this we are one. They did their duty. We will do ours.

    I need to get to work. Back as soon as I can. moar {{{HUGS}}}

  3. Good morning Pond Dwellers and thanks for the thread, Batch. Just a quick trip over as I need to monitor my diary. Good rant by the General. High of 86 today. I’ll take it.

    Going to read the next section for our book club. I read in her voice, too. You’re not going cray cray. 🙃

  4. Dropping in for a spell…I keep jinxing myself by thinking it’s going to be a quiet workday and then getting slammed. Obviously, the answer is to start thinking that every day is going to be super busy…;D

    I’m embarrassed to admit I haven’t even purchased The Book yet. I realized that my free time has to be dedicated to finishing projects for The Kiddo’s wedding, and if I bought the book, I’d be buried in that rather than my sewing room. So I’m lurking at the book club and counting down the days until I can start re-ordering my life around something that resembles normalcy.

    Which reminds me…I’m not going to be doing a post here on October 24th. I’ll be getting home late on the 23rd and will have been out of the news-loop for most of the week prior, so it’s just not feasible for me. Janesaunt has volunteered to cover that day at the DK Village, but if anyone wants to post here, feel free. Or just hang out at DK and Squirrel for the day. At any rate, I wanted to mention it now, because I’m likely to forget otherwise!

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