Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Nov. 12th through Nov. 18th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.

Page One of comments is at this link
Page Two of comments is at this link



  1. Good morning, 48 and mostly cloudy in Bellingham. I found a perfect paisley fabric in my stash yesterday so I’m sewing a table runner and napkins set for my DIL. Per usual, I’m a bit behind but I’ll finish most of it before her birthday day is over. It’s fun to be sewing again, and I’m really enjoying my cleaned up sewing room. Being able to find things is really nice!

    Time for coffee. Hope it’s a good day for all.

  2. More gray today – got 4.7 KWHs yesterday, may or may not get that much today, and am falling behind my usage, never mind my goal – m-t-d is 72. sigh. For many, many reasons I wish the sun would come out. If we’d get more than a light mist trying to call itself rain, I’d say “OK, we need the water” – but there isn’t even that solace. sigh.

    I managed to sneak in a couple of phone calls yesterday – hitting 2 points right now: 1) NO on the tax scam and 2) let the Navy supply Puerto Rico and repair basic infrastructure. There are so many more issues that are in the top 10 of seriously important – but I’m talking to bloody congresscritter staff – be polite and call it short attention span. Still a ghost at DK. Folks are discussing how to go forward without me which good. It’s the work that’s important, not me personally. But as they figure out just how much work it is, how many hours a week it took…

    Trickling busy this morning – copy a test here, finish a travel claim there, transfer funds, answer emails, try to track down an information source, notarize Service Learning applications – so not slammed or anything but a relatively steady flow. So need to finish my coffee and get back to it. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

    • Bfitz, you ARE important and greatly missed. I hope you understand the motivation for today’s post at the Village is one of my “pragmatic progressive” moves, not disrespect to you in any way. We are beginning to understand the vast amount of work you did behind the scenes, so much so, that the prevailing view right now is that we’re going to need a site-wide group to replicate your efforts. Whether we can pull it off remains to be seen, but you are and always will be the inspiration for making this happen.

      • {{{DoReMI}}} – the work is important. Of all the different pieces of what i did at DK, the community needs part is the most important because that’s what kept people living indoors. Even the “parking ticket” I’ve seen a few scathing references to was a special case of someone having an old forgotten about ticket that had racked up added fines for non-compliance so the person was about to have her car impounded and sold. (yes, I actually did vet people and issues as best i could before I put them on the list.) It is a great relief to me that at least that part of what i did is being planned to go forward. moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • I’m with DoReMi on this – they’re having to organize a whole committee of people to even approach what you did. Just think about that. Trust me, you are missed.

      • {{{anotherdemocrat]}} – i did my best. If one or more committees manage to cover what i did, well, it’s the work that’s important. thank you. moar {{{HUGS}}} – and always Healing Energy.

    • You did it just right! When the Moose migrated to the new WordPress site, we were not able to keep the old sign-ins so everyone had to start as a new user. The way you do that is to post a comment, I find the comment in the queue where new comments are held and then add you as a user. Then I release your comment.

      Watch for an email from wordpress at motleymoose.net with your temporary password (it may end up in spam). After you log in the first time, you can change it by going to your Dashboard via the My Moose link at the top of the page. Here are some notes on logging in (it can be tricky):

      Welcome aboard!

  3. Good morning, meese! Wednesday …

    It is 45 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 46. It is raining now but will clear up this afternoon and there may even be some sun. Cloudy again tonight.

    So, zombie ACA repeal is back in the most heinous of ways – the money will be taken directly from health care, including Medicare, and used directly to line the pockets of the wealthy. This time, sadly, there is no one to block it – the Gang of Three who rejected skinny repeal are in favor of this amendment. Goddess, we are a cruel nation.

    I have some too-long-deferred work to do this morning so I will not open my news feeds at the risk of getting sucked in.

    See all y’all later!

        • I have a Democratic representative and one Democratic Senator and one sociopathic rich Republican Senator. I have given up on him after sitting in on two of his telephone town halls during ACA repeal. He has a set of talking points about how healthcare works that are completely fact-free and seems to have no capacity to learn. He is truly a stupid stupid man, a direct result of the Republican Party’s embrace of stupidity in 2010 when the tea party parlayed hatred of the black president into a national movement. I despise them.

      • Yup. I hope that information goes viral so that we get the full force of AARP and the millions of seniors who depend on Medicare. I saw on a tweet last night that Republicans plan to use that as a bargaining chip to get more Democratic votes for their various initiatives – “vote with us or we don’t lift the sequester and granny gets it!”

        It seems to me that the Republican Congress has loaded up both the House version and the Senate version of their craptastic #TaxScam with poison pills that their own members can’t swallow. I hope our side stays strong.

        • Just posted this over at Greg’s APR

          Will be retweeting AARP responses as much as I can

      • did you see Rachel last night? Ron Wyden was furious. Actually “furious” doesn’t even cut it, he was beside himself. If you haven’t seen the clip, find it, it is a thing of beauty.

    • In this case it was a domestic dispute. We are seeing the confluence of two national epidemics – gun violence and violence against women. Yesterday when I was following the news on Twitter, I kept wondering why no one was talking about the shooting – there was one tiny report then nothing. Are we so inured to it now that unless 100 people are killed it doesn’t make the news. :(

      I found two stories on Puerto Rico this morning and tweeted them out. One is that the Navy is sending some help and one is a non-profit in Pittsburgh that is sending pallets of medical supplies. There is another article I have up in a tab about “donor fatigue” and why Puerto Rico seems to be getting the brunt of it. I have a pretty good idea why without having to read the article. >_<

      • Thanks Jan – will look for those tweets
        Am writing my Sunday piece today – am going to look at politicians – elected officials who are standing up for PR – and not the ones who are Puerto Rican (they are only a handful anyway)

        Top of my list is Chris Murphy – D-CT who has moved up on my list of potential POTUS candidates

        • Chris Murphy has been on my short-list for a while. He is on the correct side of most of the left v left battles and is reliably progressive.

  4. Good Woden’s morning, Meese! Clear and frosty here in NoVa, with a current temp. of 28 F., going up to 50 F. later. There’s frost on top of the vehicles parked in the street.

    Appalled by the proposed tax bill, will call. I can’t believe this sh*t.

    Received some saddening news. My brother-in-law, it appears, died October 27 in hospice. My sister didn’t bother to let anyone in the family know until yesterday, when I received a note from her. May he rest in peace.

    Busy day today—Dearly and I have an appointment at 11 in Arlington, so we’ll leave here at 10. Half an hour to get there, half an hour to find a parking space. Before I go I’ll have to leave the beef stew in the slow cooker because today at 3 p.m. I have a child-tending job.

    Wishing as good a day as possible to all.

  5. Didn’t walk this morning. Got all the way in town to work — like, I had pulled into my parking space — and realized my tea was at home. Not going to make it through a day in my tiny cubicle in an interior room in the top back corner of the big office building. Maybe I’ll walk this evening. I put another thing on the credit card that I can’t really afford — 3 sessions with a trainer. But I’m going to ask for a plan that I can follow till May & get in shape. The shape I’m in, even with as happy as I’d be at the show, standing all night would kill me. My feet would swell like balloons. So I’m going to get help. Will maybe find some more jewelry to sell to pay down my balances. Right now — tea (yay!) and oatmeal. And finally U2 out the video back up for The Blackout. love, love, love this song — this live version more than the studio one

    • {{{anotherdemocrat}}} – can you borrow a walker with a fold-down seat? not the big 4-wheel jobbies, just a 2-wheeler. They’re light and would let you sit while you’re in line. (And hey, you could offer a short rest to the person standing next to you while you stand for a bit.)

      • I’m hoping I’ll be all healed by May & won’t need assistance. I keep the cane in my trunk, just in case. Hugs back atcha.

        • Never hurts to have a portable place to sit when you’re dealing with hours in line. :) lots of Healing Energy and moar {{{HUGS}}}

  6. Good morning; I’m up before my alarm for some reason so I thought I’d swing in and say Hi before I leave for work. It’s my husband’s birthday today, but as he has a late meeting scheduled at work, we probably won’t go out until tomorrow to celebrate. Hope everyone has a good day.

    • {{{Avilyn}}} – Happy Birthday to your husband. Hope you have fun whenever you celebrate it. moar {{{HUGS}}}

  7. Good morning, 46 and raining in Bellingham. The despicable R’s, tRump angst, and my ongoing dizzy/balance issues are making me feel very grouchy this morning so I hope going to the pool will improve my attitude.

    Time to find my coffee and deal with the day regardless.

    Take care everyone.

  8. 57 when I got to work and still drizzling. The rain started about half an hour before I need to get up – that sux because I get my best sleeping to the patter of rain – and we certainly need it. My pv system didn’t kick on until about an hour ago and is charging at less than 100 watts. Got less than 2 KWHs yesterday and the m-t-d is 74. I hope this will clear off in another hour so we can start making up for lost time. The oak tree is dropping its leaves – oak trees have a LOT of leaves – so if we can get some sunny days the system will start actually producing before noon soon.

    I managed to sneak in a call to my bloody congresscritter (can’t call while anybody else is in the office – politics at work and all that even if it is my coffee break or lunch hour) and still hammering on 1) NO! on the tax scam – this time said taking my money out of my Medicare to give to J. W. Gotrocks who inherited a pile from his daddy is theft and don’t be the bagman & 2) let the Navy help Puerto Rico, they supplied and built infrastructure on Guadalcanal under enemy fire, they can do the job if they’re just allowed to.

    I’m so glad some of the Village folks are finding their way over here again. Even if all the contact we do is an exchange of hugs, that’s important. I have no idea what has happened to the folks on my needs list. Which pisses me off and makes me cry at the same time. Well, I guess I can look at my own resources – as of the time I was banned any of them who are getting their funds via PayPal are saved on my PayPal account. I can at least “prime the pump” – I hope.

    Anyway coffee break’s over so I’d best get back to work. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  9. Good morning, meeses. It’s 54-ish here and raining. 🌧 I’m happy… off to get ready for work now.

    • {{{basket}}} – glad the rain is falling where it’s needed. Have a good breakfast and skritches to Belle. moar {{{HUGS}}} and always Healing Energy

    • It worked! Most people tend to comment in the morning; I’m usually more likely to be here in the evening. Welcome! :-)

    • Hi, susans!

      I will get you set up with a user id later this morning, probably not until 9am Central.

      Watch for an email from wordpress at motleymoose.net with your temporary password (it may end up in spam). After you log in the first time, you can change the password by going to your Dashboard via the My Moose link at the top of the page. Here are some notes on logging in (it can be tricky):

      Welcome aboard!

  10. Good morning, meese! Thursday …

    It is 30 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 37. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.

    The Republicans are frantic to get Roy Moore replaced on the ballot. Do not believe the bs that they care about sexual improprieties – or crimes – they are simply worried about losing the Senate seat. A Doug Jones win means that the maximum number of votes Mitch McConnell can lose on any of his granny killing bills becomes one and then we only have to work on Collins and Murkowski to save health care and earned benefits. I do not feel safe assuming that John McCain will continue to vote for “regular order”.

    Another busy day here today so I will catch up on news later. I did check my Twitter feed and it appears we did not nuke anyone overnight.

    See all y’all later!

  11. Well, my stomach decided I wasn’t walking this morning. Eating oatmeal & drinking tea. We’re having our holiday luncheon today — it’s short sleeve weather. Texas version of autumn. Got American Soul playing in my head.

    • {{{anotherdemocrat}}} – Healing Energy (got a bit of ginger about? in practically any form it helps with tummies.) moar {{{HUGS}}}

      • I didn’t think of it this morning. I’ll have some when I get home. Thanks for the healing energy!

  12. Good morning, Moosekind! Clear, fair, and a little frosty once again in NoVa. Current temp. is 40 F., going up to 57 F. Snow is in the forecast for Thanksgiving day, but that’s just wishful thinking.

    Will be glad when this week ends, it’s just too full of meetings and jobs. Very behind on correspondence, which I must attend to this morning.

    Not feeling very happy about the state of the world. I’ll call my Congresscritters about it this morning but I doubt it will do any good.

    Wishing everyone a good, quiet day.

  13. Good Thursday Meese. 44 going up to a rainy 55 here in Saugerties NY.

    Finished my writing chores for Sunday a few minutes ago, will be featuring CT Senator Chris Murphy and his fight for Puerto Rico

    A tweet from him on the tax-axe:

    • {{{Denise}}} – Chris Murphy is moving up on my list – as long as somebody with some experience will be stepping up to take his seat in the Senate. We can’t afford to lose any Dems in the Senate. As always holding the Good Thought for Puerto Rico. Sorry I can’t post the links any longer. moar {{{HUGS}}}

  14. 34 just before dawn heading for the lower 60s and sunny! W00t! I can use the sunshine for my personal health as well as my PV electricity generation. Yesterday got 3.5 which wasn’t good but it was almost double the day before. Oak tree is dropping (lots of) leaves fast and it actually started a trickle of generation by 8:30 this morning. m-t-d is 78 so making 150 is very possible (depending, of course) and 180 sort of possible but will take a lot of sunny days to do it. 200 ain’t gonna happen.

    Don’t know if we’ve passed the turning point yet – those WWII analogies I was making after the election – but maybe – we keep flipping seats state, local, and Fed special elections and I’d say yes. Especially if we manage to take back one or more houses of Congress in November. Just like we had a whole lot of war to fight in the Pacific after Midway, whether or not we’ve passed the turning point we still have a whole lot of war to fight – resist, block, and push back.

    Still in limbo at DK – still holding on as long as people are working to get me back – being a ghost is hard. Not knowing how the folks on the urgent (and not as urgent) needs list are doing is painful. Not being able to post the helping links for Puerto Rico and the CA wildfires is painful. Not being able to post the Kos Katalogue link is painful. sigh. But I will not give up unless/until my friends decide it’s a lost cause. I thank goddess with my whole heart for the “family” I have here. (They’re doing a community quilt for me over at DK – which feels funny but i don’t turn down blessings – and I’m hoping as many as possible of my various families participate. If I am indeed moving on to a different land it will help to carry the love with me.)

    Got slammed with a Payroll emergency when I walked through the door – taking a coffee break and checking in but need to get back to it. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

    • I got an update this morning; a very generous and kind soul has taken care of the needs of one of the people on the list. Bless them and bless you, bfitz, for starting this and sending out energy. {{{HUGS}}}

      • {{{basket}}} – that is so wonderful. Thank you for continuing to monitor them for me. Blessings on us all – the Channel of Good and Healing Energy flows through us. We are blessed and we are blessings and as the blessing flow they are multiplied.

        Blessings on the ones who put up the morning edition and added the Kos Katalogue and “generic” helping links as well. moar {{{HUGS}}}

  15. Good morning Meese, I don’t come here often because everyone’s usually gone by evening. Stuck home from work today with some medical stuff. Spilled some hot olive oil on my foot! Not fun !

    • {{{kathy from pa}}} – Healing Energy – soaking in cold/ice water is the immediate palliative but I assume you’re beyond that stage. If you are needing to keep it covered be sure you use a “moist” dressing/bandage for it. You might have to ask for it at the pharmacy. When I accidentally knocked into the cast iron wood stove door and got a 2nd degree burn I first was putting regular bandages on it and they kept reopening the wound every time I changed them. Those moist ones not only don’t do that but they are cool and soothing when first applied as well. moar {{{HUGS}}} and Healing Energy

  16. Good morning, 44 and mostly cloudy in Bellingham. Yesterday was an out of sorts day but today should be better. I think the family T Day plans are finally firm and I hope I’ve delegated enough so it will be manageable for me.

    My easy sewing project became more complicated thanks to a cutting error but I’ve solved the dilemma I created and will finish the napkins today. Note to self…..when you take a shortcut pay attention!

    Best wishes to all.

    • {{{princesspat}}} – :) – definitely need that “note to self” when I’m doing a project of just about any kind. moar {{{HUGS}}} and also Healing Energy

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