Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Mar. 4th through Mar. 10th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.


Page One of Comments are HERE!



  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 28 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 48. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Fantastic news from Texas early voting for the primary!

    • People are saying “oh it is just the Democratic primary” as if all those people voting won’t have any interest in the general election. Some won’t – the berners will peevishly stay home pining for purity – but most of them will vote in November.

      Dave Wasserman has had some interesting Twitter threads about what he is seeing in Texas and thinks that we may be reaching the point where the rural white vote has peaked and Democrats who moved to Texas from more liberal states may be changing the – literal! – complexion of the state.

      Let me go see if I can find the one I saw last night. You know, if Texas goes blue, it is game over – Republicans won’t be able to win a national election again.

    • Here is the thread:

      What’s up w/ Texas these days? For decades, two trends have canceled out: 1) explosion of non-whites/suburban professionals 2) migration of rural whites to GOP. But now, Rs are finally maxed out w/ rural whites & Trump is causing suburban professionals to migrate towards Dems.
      A major contributing factor: corporate relocations from high-tax coastal states (especially CA) to major TX metros. And new TX voters bringing their previous state’s political values w/ them.

      He was tweet quoting this map from 2/26:

      I was reading another analyst who said that the latest Scott Pruitt pronouncement – that there is no convincing evidence in support of evolution – may be the final straw for college-educated white people who have voted Republican in the past. When the anti-science people in the Republican Party are actually put in charge of policy and are allowed to fly their freak flags, it creates a lot of dissonance. It is why the suburbs and even some exurbs are up for grabs this year. When the Louie Gohmert mentality is “one crazy Texas Congressman”, it is one thing – when it is the guy in charge of protecting the environment, it is harder to ignore. There was an article in my daily paper that Wisconsin Republicans are getting a little itchy about what the roll-back of regulations is doing to our state. Eight years of Unified Republican Government has destroyed waterways, polluted our air, sold off “conservancy” land to developers and is endangering one of our biggest “industries”, tourism. The only thing holding them back from voting for Democrats is that they KNOW Democrats will take their guns from them. JHC, what a bunch of idiots! You have to hand it to the NRA – they know their target market and they have the bullshit embedded deep in their reptilian brains. I don’t have a lot of confidence that the kids will make this better – most kids leave the state after they get their education because Scott Walker has made it suck here for them. :(

      • Now if we could just get young Mexican-Americans who lean Democratic in TX to flood the polls – it hasn’t happened yet.

        • That’s why it is encouraging that young people in Florida are figuring out that change has to come from the ballot box. We – me included – expected the demographic wave to be Latinx and that simply did not happen in 2016. Maybe something will catch the eye of Texas’ Mexican-Americans that will energize them – or maybe the young people have had their spirits crushed at such young ages that they are already jaded?

  3. Good Sunday Meese

    38 degrees here in NY going up to 42
    Had a wonderful time yesterday with the Afro-Latina Leadership group on campus. Exhorted them to vote in midterms – am going to keep reminding them all.
    For women’s history month – my Sunday sermon will be on a sobering subject – the sterilization of PR women – and the doctor who led the battle against it

    Seeya later

    • Sis, that was a stellar post today! Went and rec’d it.

      Oh, Goddess, there is so much we don’t know about the way women have color have been wronged in this country. And these women were and are citizens!

      I hope all the college kids go to PR and VI for their spring breaks and instead of just swimming and surfing, help rebuild it!

      • There’s a group from AR going – either Spring Break or over the summer, I don’t remember which. They’re taking kids from all over the state. The daughter of one of our Market vendors is going. Don’t know much about the program, just what the vendor told me yesterday when I was bringing her my used egg cartons, but I’m totally delighted that it’s happening.

  4. Saw Min yesterday, but she was sleeping. Her daughter’s flight was delayed because of the storm, she’s coming today. I scheduled a visit tomorrow. Today: church, groceries, put beans on to soak. It is warm — 66 already. May have to turn on the a/c soon. I don’t think I drank enough water yesterday, I have a headache this morning.

    Oh — there was a teeny tiny pro-Trump rally yesterday. Maybe 30 people. So sad.

  5. Good morning, Moosekind—yes, it is still morning, just nine minutes before noon. It’s very chilly, 40 F., going up to 47 F., but at least the wind has dropped and we’re enjoying cloudless blue skies.

    We just said goodbye to another piece of furniture, a low-slung credenza with glass doors that I particularly loved. Sigh. I know downsizing is necessary, but at least this time we’re selling it and not paying people to haul perfectly good pieces away! Still, the young couple who bought it were very, very nice and I hope they enjoy owning it.

    Had another awful night, so I am going to (1) stop drinking decaf tea after dinner, and (2) change my pillow. I think it’s my pillow that’s causing me these problems. Also, it’s the worrying I do after retiring, thinking about all we have to do before we move. And yikes, my worries don’t even include The Occupant, North Korea, Scott Pruitt, and Javanka! Those are reserved for my waking thoughts.

    Having tremendous trouble with the Internet for the last several days, both with email and trying to post comments and whatnot. Are the cybergods displeased?

    Wishing all a good day!

    • I wish we had a mute button for our brains! I am often working on my to-do list in my falling-asleep time and that is not restful. When the vulgar talking yam adds his latest idiocy, it is worse. I imagine that your to-do list seems daunting right now.

      I will stay off Twitter to avoid Oscar talk so the yam can yammer all he wants. This afternoon, I will watch a streaming sporting event (our Wisconsin Badger Women’s Hockey team is playing in their conference championship game) and then find something non-political to read.

  6. 49 heading for 55, overcast and sprinkling. Not going to get much generation today unless it clears off soon. Got 15.5 yesterday and the m-t-d is just over 45 with this morning’s driblet so we’re still heading for over 300. But I got 416 KWHs in March of 2016 and I’d kind of like to head that direction this year too. :) There’s so much lemon juice in my lemon muffins they’re almost pudding in the center – done, thank C.C., but not as firm as usual. They’re very good. Wish I could share them. It’s a bit warmish for a fire but I certainly can’t hang the clothes outside so fire there is. And if my sleeves are rolled up due to the warmth, my hands and feet are very happy.

    Ebil Ones being Evil. Day ending in y. We’ll keep on keepin’ on – block or at least slow down what we can right now and work to make that “blue wave” happen. I remember very well back in the late 60s and early 70s we had a bunch of kids who were so very progressive they “dropped out” – allowing the RW kids to support the Nixon anti-government, authoritarian, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic…basically Deplorable agenda with no push back from the LW. I’m glad to see progressive kids this time around getting politically active. There will always be the extremist fringe and the RW extremists will vote and the LW extremists won’t – but I think we’ve got a solid spread in the middle who are “Obama kids” – who know to be the change they are wanting to see they must act politically. So I have hope.

    Gonna tour the internet – DK Village, twitter, etc – then get back to my Sunday house stuff. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  7. Good morning, 40 and cloudy in Bellingham. RonK’s veggie growing fingers are itching and my primroses were looking snow damaged so we enjoyed some chilly time in the garden yesterday. It’s time to plant the garlic but still to cold for much else. However being outdoors chases the winter blues away so I may do some ivy clipping today. The deer have eaten the leaves but not the stems so the ivy fences look very chewed on.

    Best Sunday wishes to all.

  8. Monday Meese
    Up early cause had to get hubby up at 3 AM – he has to take a client to the hospital
    Did not watch Oscars – reviewed highlights on twitter – delighted to see José Andrés

  9. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 34 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 37. The forecast calls for “wet snow” this afternoon. Isn’t all snow wet? Anyway, it apparently will hit when school lets out which is just peachy.

    I did not watch the Oscars since I don’t watch movies and only know about movie stars when I see them in my news feed, generally acting badly. Twitter was consumed by it! I saw some frightening outfits until I finally gave up and played cyber card games.

    Today is March 5th and DACA protections expire. Fk Republicans and fk those who believed that stopping the deportation of 800,000 people who came here as children, played by the rules to get into the system – and have contributed greatly to our society – was not worth shutting down the pig leader’s government. There is no fix now because the dotard is in full-blown meltdown and intends to destroy everything in his final descent into madness. He will not sign a DACA bill and people who thought he would – and played along – should be ashamed of themselves for being a cast member in his reality TV show.

    This week the Senate – Republicans and Democrats – will roll back the financial regulations put in place after the banksters destroyed our economy and plunged us into a Great Recession that many have still not recovered from. Because they are determined that every good thing from the Obama Administration be erased. Well, one thing they can’t erase is the knowledge that we can change America for the better – we did it once, we can do it again. This time we need to play for keeps and listen when people like Barack and Michelle Obama say “democracy is on the ballot.” WTF is wrong with people that they could not see the real dangers in electing a man who showed us every single day during the campaign how awful he was and how terrible his presidency would be? He is delivering on his promises to his base and the collateral damage is enormous.

    See all y’all later!

  10. Good Moonday morning, Meese! I saw the three-quarter moon this morning when Monty and I went to get the newspooper. We’re in for a very chilly week, with highs in the 40s and low 50s. Ugh. Just when we were getting used to warmer temperatures. Currently it’s 28 F. here in NoVa under a clear, sunny sky, going up to 43 F. later.

    Speechless and screechless after reading about the 7-year-child being ripped away from her mother by the heartless ICE. The mother is in San Diego and the child is being held prisoner in Chicago. Apparently the policy is to be deliberately cruel so as to discourage further immigration. May Goddess and karma punish these evil Rethugs as they deserve, one day—perhaps a day in early November this year.

    Yes, Jan, some of the costumes of the Oscar gala really were frightening. Hubby had the TV tuned to that station so I couldn’t avoid hearing and seeing some of it. Michael Strahan was so obnoxious I got up and left the room. Like Jan, I don’t go to movies so I find the Oscar show boring almost to the point of madness. Luckily I had a book to read.

    We’ve got to eat up all the frozen food we’ve stored in the freezer. Must clean the fridge. Above all, must pack. Thought of a way to avoid packing a lot of things—I’ll just take my clothes, still on their hangers, and put them in the back seat of the car. (Haven’t moved house in 41 year, so feel a bit befuddled.) Darling Younger Son and Beloved Nephew came over to help move furniture yesterday and chainsaw the nearly-torn-off limb from the apple tree. Younger Son sawed it up into applewood logs for future use. I’ll miss our wood-burning fireplace.

    Must away to cook Ham and Scram for breakfast. Everyone have a good day!

    • I have had many moves over the years and the last one was a downsize move so I have some experience with possession separation. But we have been here for 14 years and have not done a very good job of pruning-in-place. The biggest thing is the accumulated kids stuff! My daughter does not want to give up the toys she played with growing up and I may have to wait until she is away at college to have a garage sale to find a good home for those things. I really should not wait until I want to move to start clearing the unused stuff out.

      I am glad your new location is fairly close so that you can move in without having to pack everything in boxes – that will save you a lot of time!

  11. Slept in, watching local news. Warm day — I had to use the ceiling fan last night. Possible thunderstorms later, and a cold front later in the week with maybe even freezing weather. Today: got beans simmering, visit Min at 1 & a friend from college is speaking tonight at UT on: “Antisocial Media: How Facebook Disconnects People and Undermines Democracy”. He has a book coming out in September. I haven’t seen him in years — he’s a prof at UVa, so it’ll be good to see him.

  12. Currently at the projected high of 60, the rest of the day will slowly drift down to 45 just before sundown. Started cloudy but clearing off nicely and the sun is shining. Yesterday only got 2.7 KWHs but the m-t-d is 47.3 and if the day stays sunny we could get over 60 by the time the sun goes down. Which would be nice. Definitely Spring weather this week – highs wandering between low 60s to high 40s and back, lows wandering from high 40s to high 20s and back – some possible rain, mostly not. Springtime in NW AR.

    Evil Ones being Evil. We knew this – almost stopped it (or at least seriously put a check on it) but the combination of white racists, misogyny (of Extreme Left as well as the Right), RW-owned media, FBI interference, and Russian interference just barely via the archaic electoral college manged to stop us instead. People will be hurt, killed. We knew this. Covert racial and ethnic genocide via both denial of services and arming the madmen with military weapons will occur/is occurring. We knew this. The economy will tank. We knew this. The extremely rich will get richer as everybody else is dropped a category. We knew this. Internationally we will become the nuclear-armed rogue nation. We knew this. We all knew this. This is what they wanted. Feature not a bug. Our only hope is that “upsurge of decency” – we outnumber them. We can overwhelm them. We shall see what we shall see as to whether or not we manage to do it.

    Time to wander the internets for a bit. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  13. Good morning, 43 and cloudy in Bellingham. I woke up late but made it to the pool on time. It feels so good to just move in the warm water without my knees screeching at me!

    I’m enjoying my morning coffee now and I’m going to try stay focused on my sewing project later. When I open the news sites I get sucked into spending too much time online and not enough in real life.

    Take care everyone.

  14. Good Tuesday Morning Meese
    Woke up to see this


    * WHAT…Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations of 7 to
    12 inches, with localized amounts up to 15 inches, are


  15. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 27 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 37. We had quite a bit of snow overnight and there is more expected today, finishing up around mid-afternoon, per the forecast. Schools will be in session although a lot of school districts in the outlying areas appear to be on 2 hour delay. Our district never does that – it is less disruptive to keep everyone home.

    I watched some of the crazy Trump aide meltdown on Twitter and saw a few clips on Twitter (I won’t watch cable TV news, I consider it complicit in the destruction of our democracy). It should surprise exactly no one that the orange orshole surrounded himself with stupid people – who else would work for such a buffoon? Anyway, one day cable TV ratings bonanza, a tempest in a teapot and – as I see from the news – in the end he said he would cooperate. And, no, this is not some clever ruse by the Trump camp to damage the Russian investigation – there is no “clever” there.

    Today in Kansas City the federal trial regarding Kris Kobach’s Kansas law requiring citizenship papers to register to vote begins. This is a big deal and a loss by Kobach will be a major setback to voter suppression advocates.

    Mississippi will have another Senate election this fall and, while it is considered Solid Republican, it will be a jungle primary so anything can happen. The crazy teaparty guy Chris Daniel will probably get into that race and he is very much not liked by Mississippi Republicans because of the 2014 primary. I saw a headline that Mike Espy will be tossing his hat in the ring. I think he was in the Clinton administration, maybe the agriculture secretary?, so he would have name recognition and Clinton baggage. It will be interesting!

    See all y’all later!

  16. We seem to be the target of a spam comments attack. I cleaned the Pending Comments queue and updated our anti-spam widget but we are one release behind on WordPress which could be part of the problem. I am going to do that upgrade at 8am Eastern so if you can’t get into the site or can’t leave a comment, try again after about 5 minutes. It is just a dot release so it shouldn’t take long. I don’t want to spend my day cleaning out the comments folder!

    For what it is worth, the spam bots love our commentary and think we are very smart but they have awful spelling!

    • It took less than 10 seconds. The spam has stopped getting through to the regular comment queue so I think the spam filter update fixed that. But now we are on the latest WordPress version which includes a bug fix that was blocking automatic security patches from being applied.

      I hope the problem is solved.

  17. Heading out to school in a few – threw up a quick diary to see if I can get m,ore shares for this Daily News effort

  18. Good Tuesday morning, Meese. It’s cloudy here in NoVa, with the current temp. at 27 F., going up to 44 F. later.

    Jan, do you recall the email exchange we had over the weekend? Someone has hacked the gmail address I was going to use for the Moose instead of the one I use now. I don’t know what to do. Am I supposed to close that account and open a different one? It’s going to make things VERY awkward, not to mention the fact that I just don’t have time for this sort of thing. I’m going to take a tip from our princesspat and stop reading the news. Very behind on the packing!

    Wishing everyone a good day except hackers!

    • I assume by “my account has been hacked” you mean that someone took control of it and you no longer have access to it. In that case, you can’t close it because in order to close it, you need to be able to get into the account settings. There is probably a way to notify Gmail about the problem but I don’t know it and that is not the immediate problem.

      You should open a new email account (I recommend an Outlook.com account because I hate Google) and then any place where you used the old Gmail account you need to change to the new account. If someone has access to your email account, they have access to every account that you have that address tied to – they just need to request a new password!

      I know what you mean about not having time to mess with it but you can’t let this go. Your Moose account can be changed later, even if you don’t have access to the email address, because you happen to know the Moose Admin!!

  19. Slept in one more day. Saw the Nunberg live yesterday as I was dishing up my beans & greens. Lots of people were truly concerned for his mental health. (also, I thought that thing with saying Katy Tur’s name every 15 seconds was just creepy) And my friend’s lecture last night was interesting. I’ve never understood why he says that Facebook isn’t fixable, that the problem with FB is FB. They recorded the lecture, when the video is available, I’ll post a link. Tonight, I’m going to go to the Democratic party at Scholz’s, the premiere political watering hole. I need to ask more people for donations for the Ride.

    • Haven’t had time to even see crazy Nunberg yet. I wish I could take a break form the madness

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