Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Sept. 29th through Oct. 5th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.


Page One of Comments is HERE!
Page Two of Comments is HERE!



  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 54 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 63. Showers and thunderstorms are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese

    66 going up to 70 here in the Catskills

    Headed into NYC this afternoon to finally get to see the Mapping Resistance Exhibit

  3. Oh no she didn’t…

  4. I really should have gone downtown for Up yesterday, gone to 1 panel & then come home. The stuff I went to was okay, but it was just too hot. By the time I got on a bus to come home, I felt unwell. Actually made use of the grocery store’s “free” (3% for online ordering) delivery because I was just wiped out. I got 9 hours of sleep last night, only woke up twice. Anyway, this morning I’m watching Up from my couch again. I don’t have to cook today, but I don’t know if I’m going to the gym.

  5. G’morning, Meeses. Only got down to 70 overnight and it’s 75 now so the house is already closed up. Sunny at the moment as it heads for mid 80s – hope it stays that way a we’ve only got 2 production days left including today. Yesterday it clouded up in the afternoon so we only got 7 KWHs. The m-t-d is 334.8 so actually 7 today and tomorrow will bring us to over (just barely over) 350 so that’s good.

    I’ve pretty much got done as much as I’m gonna do as far as housecleaning is concerned. My normal housecleaning comes under the heading of what my grandmother would call “a lick and a promise” and I really hate to think of what she’d call what I call “a lick and a promise” but that’s what got done today. I always have to sweep before I vacuum to get the big chunks of shredded cardboard up (the cats love shredding the boxes as well as sleeping in them) and I managed the sweeping. Not gonna get to the vacuuming today. As to mopping – which Grandmother did at least weekly and usually more often – that gets done when I hire someone to do it. (But then that was Grandmother when I was a kid, youth, and young mother. By the time she was my current age she was living in an efficiency in a “senior” apartment complex – as in a regular apartment complex you had to be at least 55 to live in – and the only moppable spaces were the tiny kitchenette and the tinier bathroom.)

    Need more coffee. Then I’ll tour the internets and check DK for Dee’s Sunday sermon. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  6. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 64 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 81. Chance of thunderstorms.

    The news is coming at us with a firehose! I think it will be difficult for a man like Donald J. Trump, whose psyche is so damaged, to maintain any semblance of stability. He personally is not needed in order to fight the impeachment – his party and his campaign apparatus will do that for him – but he does need to not appear completely unhinged. The calls are coming for “Republicans with integrity” to break with their party’s leader and do the right thing, to say “this is not okay.” It. Will. Never. Happen. First, there are no Republicans with integrity and second, the Republican Party is Trump and Trump is the Republican Party – they can’t retain power without him and they know it.

    Busy day here as I will be traveling for on-site work later in the week and I need to get prepped.

    See all y’all later!

  7. 80 freaking degrees at 5:30 when I was walking. I only did ½ mile, because I took the trash out — that was about 5 minutes, so I think it adds up about the same. Anyway, Monday. And we have a long meeting this morning about a new way we’re going to do statistics. Yay. Need energy but it’s also hot as anything — and upper 90s/100s for the next week, so Snow Patrol Shut Your Eyes. (shut your eyes & think of somewhere, somewhere cold & caked in snow)

  8. Good Moon Day, Moosekind! Here in Ashburn it’s a soft gray morning, the kind I like, with a current temp. of 71 F. on its way up to 74 F. It will be overcast all day, but we won’t get any precious four-letter word today or any other day.

    We saw “Downton Abbey” on Friday. No one told us that when a film supposedly begins at 4 p.m. it really starts at 4:30 p.m. because one has to sit through a solid half hour of film trailers! With two exceptions, all the films were of the kind we’d rather pay NOT to see. I suppose if we went to the movies oftener than once every 10 years we’d know about this stuff, but there you are. Frequent film-going would ruin our reputation as America’s Most Boring Elderly Couple.

    I didn’t get home until 11:30 p.m. from my Saturday child-tending gig and when I did get home I was so wound up I couldn’t go to sleep right away. Got up later than usual next day and then got nothing done. The Formula I race in Sochi consumed a huge chunk of the morning. I’m getting really tired of the whole thing, particularly as the same driver wins all the races all the time. What’s the fun in that?

    My nanny-granny duties, it appears, will continue for the month of October. OK. It’s becoming very time-consuming as well.

    This morning I’m supposed to interview two women but I’m hoping that the slight possibility we’ll have to reschedule will turn into a strong possibility. I woke up at the wretched hour of 4 a.m. and couldn’t go back to sleep. Also, I have to go to the grocery store today and leave here at 3 p.m. to pick up the children at the bus stop at 4 p.m.

    Feel totally exhausted by the revelations of Thing’s treason and the counter-accusations of the Rethugs. There is just too much news. Three newspoopers are calling on him to resign. I don’t want him to resign. I want him to stand trial, be convicted, and then go to jail for the rest of his miserable life.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

  9. Monday Meese.

    Today is the day I have to pay my school taxes. Sigh. $4,000.
    Tired from the trip to NYC – got back around 11PM.

    Had a great time.

    Puerto Rico

    • Glad you had a safe trip and a good time – YIKES! on the school taxes. (You’d think with that kind of money they could pay their adjuncts better.)

  10. Kamala 2020 posted – by Cecelia S

    Posted this tweet to comments

  11. The overnight was 68, it’s 70 now, and we’re heading for mid-to-upper 80s in Fay., AR. Sunny today and tomorrow according to the forecast. Yesterday we got just a hair under 10 KWHs and the m-t-d is 344.6 – barring catastrophes we’ll definitely make it over 350 for September 2019. Not great but not the worst either. I hope to heaven those wood bricks come in at Tractor Supply this week. Next Monday morning is supposed to be in the 40s! The daytime highs will be high enough as long as it’s sunny to keep the house warm. Just reverse what I’m doing now – open up during the day and close up when the sun goes down. But it’s definitely a sign that if I am to be comfortable this winter, as opposed to just surviving it, I need either the wood bricks (optimal) or some source of firewood & enough kindling to get it to burn.

    I know what we need to change course for our Ship of State. I know we aren’t gonna get it. If we’re lucky we’ll get a storm anchor to slow us going in the wrong direction and repairs to the very damaged ship. In my opinion the best we can hope for is Harris/Castro and a Dem Congress – both – for 8 years. I won’t go into the worst case. The odds of another recession is growing by the minute. Rs do that. Making fat cats fatter at the expense of everybody else means small businesses (like Aji’s) die on the vine for lack of sales. Social Security is largely what kept the ’08 recession from turning into a Greater Depression and can do it again – IF we get the helm soon enough. Meanwhile with few or no sales across the board for the small businesses our economy is bleeding out. And my friends are in trouble, either from not having income from sales or not having help those small business owners would give them if they could. Well, we shall see if we can ride this wave in or spectacularly & fatally wipe out.

    A walk is in my near future. Also coffee and reading the Kamala story at DK. Which comes first depends on how quickly the cat gets off my lap. LOL. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  12. Good morning, Meesefolk; 54 when I got up with a high of 77 today. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the mid-to-upper 80s, which is nuts (for MI), but the bottom falls out after that with temps dropping and rain moving in for days. So I won’t grumble too much about the heat tomorrow.

    Today is my last day at work, and I’m really hoping I can avoid seeing the boss when I leave. It’s doubtful, since I think he’ll show up to grab my keys, so I’ll have to contain my temper. He was in Friday…twice…and it was all I could do not to punch him. He spent 20 minutes whinging about how difficult it was to get everything moved from the other location and then have to work the beginning of October (the beginning of the month is always our busy time) here by himself. I just stared at him. His insensitivity and cluelessness come naturally to him (he’s a narcissist), but this was epic even for him. He then proceeded to mention that he might have to call me occasionally, since I’m the one who knows our accounting software the best. After listening to his whining about how tough he’s going to have it, I made the decision to block his phone number and the store number in my phone, so if he runs into questions with the software, he can use the Help function. And that’s not me.

    Good day to and for all!

    • Good for you! “I made the decision to block his phone number and the store number in my phone, so if he runs into questions with the software, he can use the Help function.” Someone who fires you so that they can take your job does NOT deserve anything from you.

    • {{{DoReMI}}} – seriously good for you. And since he’s fired everybody it serves him right. He’s about to find out that all that work he’s so sure is being done by brownies and fairies while his employees are lazy bums ripping him off is actually – ta da – being done by those workers. And a lot more he hasn’t been paying attention to. So doubly serves him right. Holding the Good Thought for where you’re going next. moar {{{HUGS}}}

  13. Good morning, 42 and sunny in Bellingham. We were south of Seattle yesterday attending a memorial brunch for our sil. It was a long emotional day, but good to be with family and to know Ron’s brother and our niece have a group of kind and caring friends. Intellectually I know death is part of life but emotions take some time to settle.

    I’m going to be in the garden today. A cold north wind blew all day Saturday so the begonias are looking forlorn and the deer have munched the fuchsias and geraniums. Time to restore order where I can :)

    Best wishes to all.

  14. Walked again this morning: 79 degrees, .8 miles, just under 20 minutes. September was the hottest ever, every single day above normal & we’re starting October with at least a week of 99 or hotter days. But yeah climate change is a scam. Music: I’ve been stuck on Discotheque for a couple of days now. It’s deeper than it sounds.

  15. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 72 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 73. It is raining now and the forecast calls for rain, thunderstorms and more rain. Yesterday was Too Hot and I had to turn on the air conditioning which made me sad. It looks like this front will be bringing more October-like temperatures – highs in the upper 50s for the rest of the week. Good! I am ready for fall weather.

    It is difficult keeping up with the latest in tRump corruption so I am not going to keep my powder dry on the latest allegations. Someone I know who worked at the State Department said that on the surface there is nothing wrong with working with foreign governments on investigations and that the Australians working with Barr is probably not an impeachable offense. The Ukrainian one is different because the phone call specifically asked for help taking down Joe Biden. One thing that a Twitterer (Stoehr, I think) pointed out last night rings true: the Australian thing – and maybe part of the Ukrainian thing – seem to be more aimed at the 2016 election and discrediting the Mueller Report. That makes perfect sense, tRump is obsessing about the fact that Mueller said Russia helped him “win” with the implication that his presidency is illegitimate (it is). And when a malignant narcissistic obsesses, it drives everything he does. I am sure we will find more instances of him asking foreign governments to investigate his political rivals – he has always, and will always, use any advantage he has at his disposal to create the outcome he wants. Anyone who expresses surprise that he is using the presidency to increase his wealth and power has not been paying attention.

    I do hope that we can keep the whistleblower safe – it is disgusting that the Republicans are fine with their president’s trashing of that law and putting the life and livelihood of that person at risk.

    See all y’all later!

    • I watched part of Rachel last night, but I wasn’t listening closely so my details may be lacking. But she was making the point that undermining the Mueller report and the IC conclusions about the role of Russia in the 2016 election is important because those are the pillars that LEGALLY uphold the sanctions. If the pillars are removed or reversed, so too can the sanctions be removed. I think this is about maintaining the gravy train for 45* and Family, but I also wonder if there isn’t an awareness that if his master gets too impatient, more than cash flow is at risk. This is pure dime spy novel speculation on my part, but 45*s increasingly manic behavior, including having the AG-Consigliere traveling the world in support of attempts to undermine our own IC, make more sense to me if fear of losing one’s office and life is a driving factor. I’m not a narcissist though, so maybe fear of losing money and reputation is enough.

  16. Good gray Tuesday morning, Moosekind! It’s 68 F. in Ashburn right now under cloudy skies. The clouds will give way to a scorching 87 F. later today, and we’ll have even hotter days Wednesday and Thursday. Gahhh!

    Had to laugh yesterday—right after I reported that the Weather Wackos said there was zero chance of rain except for late afternoon scattered showers in the far western part of the state, it started to rain. It rained on and off all day, sometimes quite heavily! It just goes to show that if you want to get paid for lying, go to work for the weather bureau.

    I’m upset because for the last two days I haven’t had a chance to walk. Hope I can do that this morning, but it looks iffy. I have granny duty again this afternoon but tomorrow I should have a free day. In addition, my productivity is low because of lack of sleep. Although I go to bed on time, this morning I could not sleep beyond a quarter past five. Oh, well, there are people with far worse problems so I’ll shut up about that.

    Did not conduct the interview yesterday because of a health problem involving one of the women. This morning will be devoted to personal care, and this afternoon I need to upload this month’s story to my website. It’s an old one. Also need to write “Cat Walk,” which has been haunting me for the past week. It’ll be a shortie, though.

    There’s too much going on politically for me to even attempt to comment on it, so I won’t. However, I think it’s going to be wild and crazy today!

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

  17. Tuesday Meese.
    63 here in the Catskills going up to 83 with rain.


  18. Good morning, Meesefolk; 64 when I got up and headed for 84. That’s cooler than was forecast earlier in the week, so I’m good with that. It’s not like I get a vote anyway!

    Today is the first day of the next chapter in my life. I’ll be filing for unemployment today, and then I plan on doing very little else. I’m giving myself as a vacation day, and then I’ll need to start creating some structure for my day. Searching for opportunities will have to be a part of every day, but I know myself well enough to know that structure, even the self-imposed kind, is what I need to keep from becoming an immovable lump. Unfortunately, the forecast for the rest of the week is still all rain, so that eliminates yard work from this week’s structure…and naturally, that’s the “structure” I was most looking forward to. It’s not like I have a shortage of projects though, so if I can settle in with some sort of focus (which is totally lacking at the moment!), I’ll be just fine.

    Good day to and for all!

    • Enjoy not having to deal with people you really didn’t want to deal with. At least for a few days. Hope you get some sunshine to let you do some “winter-prep” garden projects while you actually have the time to. But yeah, I know you have more projects to do than you’ve ever had time to do them in so… {{{HUGS}}}

  19. It’s 70 at the moment in Fay., AR heading for mid-to-upper 80s again. It’s supposed to be sunny today which would be nice but it hasn’t gotten there yet. Part of that is just that the sun hasn’t gotten all the way over the hill east of me. Looking east I can see sunlight but not the sun itself. We wrapped up September with a good 12-KWH-day and the month with 356.5 KWHs. Reaching 300 at all for October would be a feat – possible because we did it in 2015 but not likely. My goal for October is 280. At the moment we’ve only 22 watts. We shall see what we shall see.

    Evil Ones being evil. And of course twitler isn’t “normal” – whatever the hell that means – as well as being evil. Which anybody paying attention knew years ago. Including and especially the fascists who put him in power. He’s doing to the nation in general and the government in particular exactly what they want done. They knew he would which is why the media gave him so much free time, covered him as the famous reality-TV star, & ignored or trashed Hillary (depending) while they did it. The propaganda machine was ordered to give him lots of good coverage. The R party to suppress the vote. Comey and Russia took care of the rest. So. Shocked and appalled at what’s happening. Yes. Surprised. No.

    I’ve got a cat on my lap so I guess I’ll tour the internet until he gets off. Then walk and coffee or coffee and walk depending on how quickly it warms up. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  20. Good morning, 46 and mostly sunny in Bellingham. The back entrance is looking tidy again and Ron collected the (thankfully) small branches the wind blew out of our old maple trees on Saturday, so today’s gardening tasks will be easier. I’ll put the cushions away and we should wash the umbrellas so the sun can dry them, but that a messy task and may be avoided.

    The steady flow of bad news for tRump is both welcome and exhausting. I’m tired this morning after another night of tRump /election angst so I”m going to try to stay news light today.

    Best wishes to all.

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