It takes a village: Big f……g deal



Demonstrators hold signs in support of the Affordable Care Act at a gathering before the start of a protest march near the hotel where House and Senate Republicans are attending a retreat, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. January 25, 2017.



No matters what happens moving forward, democrats did the right thing. For the naysayers, the aca went far enough if IT SAVED ONE SINGLE LIFE. This is what separates us from republicans. Be proud.


This is your Thursday  thread.


  1. good morning reese and thanks for the happy memories. I’m so enjoying the troubles the repubs are having as they discover that while their voters have no problem with taking insurance away from others they are enraged to find out that they too will lose in any deal the repubs put forth.

  2. 29 on chicago metro…. morning folks. Donald Trump did a time magazine interview….. hes nuts.

    That is all.

  3. Good morning, Pond Dwellers. It’s 44 and a little foggy this morning. So far this is the 9th wettest winter on record. Good news for farmers, forest service and ducks. Since more rain is forecasted for next week, we could make the top five.

  4. Morning Meese I could not log in yesterday for some reason so couldn’t comment so I’m glad to be here….thanks Reese for the look back…I remember what long drawn frustrating process getting the ACA passed was….and to see it being threatened to be repealed is heart breaking…I have a feeling this crappola of a bill will just make it through the House but not the Senate…fingers crossed…
    Saw in the Washington Post that Schumer has said on the Senate floor that he will oppose “Gorsuch and join other Democrats in filibustering the nomination”

    • it’s interesting watching the Koch brothers go after trump. There’s nothing to celebrate here since the tea party doesn’t like this bill because it is too generous. They do not want repeal and replace, their goal is repeal only. I hope they keep pushing it until even the ignorant fools on both sides who didn’t vote for Hillary or Democrats understand just what they got when they voted.

  5. Thank you for the celebration of the ACA. I hope it’s not a farewell party. Damn.

  6. Morning everyone…Thanks as always bro….Dump is an asshole….Full stop!

    I’m really expecting the vote to be more no’s…I know the Repukes are deplorable and would love to see it repealed and replaced by pretty much nothing but with what is happening w/Dump and his obvious Russian connections I’m beginning to believe the Repukes vote against Dump to give him a message…it being….”Resign now before you take us into the gutter any further”. Not they need any help putting their brand in the gutter.

    Thought I’d brighten up the day…For you Gracie…:)

    • So cute! Obviously, though, that puppy is not a basset hound. Ours will always chase after anything tossed willingly and gladly; once they reach it and realize it’s not food, they just wander away. Fetch with a basset hound is more exercise for the human than the dog.

  7. {{{rto}}} – thank you for the reminder and celebration of what Dems stand for. I have no idea whether or not we can save it at this point. I hope so. We will be able to get it back again in the future – but a lot of people will be hurt in the meantime most of whom don’t deserve it. My bloody congresscritter will vote to repeal/replace with crap but there is one R congresscritter who’s waffling – hopefully the AR-4 people will burn up the phone lines on him.

    Soloing today and interrupted a lot! Will be back when I can to check out some of your comment links. moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • Trump was his empty vessel, and the guitar guy just filled him with his own, alternate, reality. Now actual reality is staring him in the face. I saw a lot of lefties do this with Barack in 2008, and when he didn’t conform to their alternate reality, the nastiness ensued. It’s why I tend to describe myself as a pragmatic Dem, rather than a centrist or center-left Dem. I share a lot of the ideals of the Left, but I have very few illusions about how much hard work is needed to achieve them. And that hard work is our hard work alongside politicians; there’s no magic bullet and no magic politician.

      • {{{DoReMI}}} – exactly – the no magic bullet, no magic anything just a lot of hard work and mostly incremental progress is what started the rox/sux wars at DK in 2010. Most of those same sux people are now enamored of the jsfv for the same reason – they poured their alternate reality into him. And they can’t be disappointed again – jsfv didn’t win so he can never “turn” on them like any winning candidate. Meanwhile, a whole lot of good, solid, pragmatic progressives have been driven off the site one way or another. Thank goddess for MM.

    • I love that direct look to the camera and comment to 45* at the end; very powerful and effective. In other words, pure Nancy!

    • Love her. Hope she gets the gavel back soon. I know she wanted to retire, but we need her. And like Hillary, she will be with us as long as we need her – or until she’s carried out feet first. I just hope she’s got a handful of strong women coming up she’s mentoring on how to do what she does.

    • Well, sur-prise, sur-prise. Wonder how many of the slime tweets aimed at Chelsea are from the same source?

    • That was a very accurate response. I guess I won’t go into the unfortunately large percentage of men who don’t have to worry about maternity benefits because they don’t expect to pay for them. They expect the woman to.

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