Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: June 4th through June 10th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.

  • Page 1 of comments are here.

  • Page 2 of comments are here.


  1. Good morning, 67 and mostly sunny in Bellingham. I bought a few more flowers yesterday so my wheelbarrow looks like a crayon box and I’m ready to see what happens next. I haven’t been able to make a master plan this year so when I see some plants and know they will combine with other plants I buy a few. The keep it simple approach is best for me this year.

    Yesterday’s dentist visit was disappointing and expensive……the tooth has to be made in a lab on the east coast (something technical with the type of implant stem) and I had to pay for it, but I’ve got another 3-4 weeks wait. It’s annoying, but the nerve that was impacted by the bad tooth needs some more healing time as well so I just need to be patient…..my life long challenge!

    Hope everyone’s day has a few pleasant moments.

    • Ouch! I had a dental visit a few weeks ago that will result in a crown. The worst part is waiting for the appointment and having to deal with a tooth missing a significant part of itself. I dodged a bullet though, because another tooth just needed a re-filling.

  2. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 50 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 73. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Republicans In Disarray Twitter is my favorite Twitter and the current drama is Sessions’ falling out with the administration to the point where he told people he was considering resigning. Please please PLEASE! Out of all the awful cabinet members, the one who is the worst actual person and the one with enough power to do real damage to real people is Sessions. Most of the other cabinet members are restrained by budgets and laws – the Attorney General can do a lot independently subject only to court oversight which grinds exceedingly slow. Yes, a new Attorney General might be worse but with the shitgibbon’s approval dropping, it is more likely that someone worse would not get confirmed. Sessions was given a free pass because he was a Senator and comity won. The next nominee would not be a Senator unless it was one with a career death wish.

    See all y’all later!

  3. Hiya Meese
    This Wednesday is chock full of birthdays I am celebrating

    Gwendolyn Brooks, Nikki Giovanni and Prince

  4. Good morning, Moosekind! Partly cloudy with occasional showers today in NoVa. Current temp is 62 F., going up to 66 F. later today. The weather is so strange. Starting Saturday we’ll be in the 90’s.

    Not much to say except that I hope Comey’s testimony tomorrow will lead to the Great Fall of Humpty-Trumpty and all his men. Oh, and Betsy too.

    Going to have coffee with Darling Niece this morning. Looking forward to a nice peaceful day with no toddlers or older children, even though Miss Pink Cheeks is old enough to amuse herself for hours.

    Hope everyone will have a good day!

  5. 52 at a nice clear if chilly dawn and heading for 80 – got 22 KWHs yesterday and hoping to get at least as many today. Like May, June had a slow start. We will hope that also like May it recovers and generates the most so far. :)

    Rs in disarray is sort of comforting but if I had a sawbuck for every “tr**mp going down” and “Rs going down” diary over at DK since the election, my community needs list would be empty. Which I really wish it was. While the membership of DK is perfectly capable of clearing that list in less than an hour (as long as they didn’t bring down the PayPal site doing it) the membership of DK is obviously not interested in doing so. The Village and the PWB Peeps are the only ones who are and they can’t carry that load. But I’ll keep putting The Word out anyway in the hopes that even if they can’t, they can pass The Word along to folks who not only can but do.

    Soloing at work for the moment and maybe the day, depending, with some serious messes to clean up. (People making changes after deadlines always make serious messes to clean up.) So I’d best get to it. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  6. Day off, I’m going to get stuff done. Trash & recycling, tax stuff, dishes, laundry. At least some of that. Eating breakfast, watching local news. Here’s U2 doing Ultraviolet in Dallas, where they featured Ann Richards

  7. Good morning, 60 and partly sunny in Bellingham. I emptied my wheelbarrow yesterday so after the pool this morning I’ll fill it up again. The garden shop should have Gartenmeister Fuschia back in stock today. I have four more containers to plant and those are my favorite feature plant because they bloom all summer and last until the first winter freeze. For some reason they have been hard to find this year.

    Being in the garden is still my best tRump antidote……sure hope my knees will keep cooperating!

    Best wishes to all.

  8. Good morning, meese! Thursday …

    It is 61 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 77. Sunny this morning giving way to cloudy skies with a chance of rain this evening.

    The Comey testimony, based on the opening statement, sets out a clear case of obstruction of justice by the president*. That the defense is “it is just New York talk” and “he is new to the Ways of Washington and did not know it was illegal to pressure the FBI director to drop an investigation” means that the Comey account is accurate. I guess we will see how far the Republican Congress will go to protect their president. I suspect they will find no problem being willing accomplices to his flouting of the law.

    Meanwhile, Mitch McConnell triggered the mechanism to set an up-or-down vote on the House version of the ACA repeal. So all the talk of “we will fix this” and the sad faces about “constituents without healthcare” were just for the press – the Senate will vote on the AHCA, pass it and 23 million people will lose healthcare. Literally trading thousands of dead Americans for tax cuts for the wealthy. People who voted for a Unified Republican Government deserve nothing but scorn. I am completely out of fks to give about their dismay over how awful this is turning out. Michelle Obama told them that decency was on the ballot, Barack Obama told them that democracy was on the ballot and they did not want to listen because their hatred blinded them to the truth.

    See all y’all later!

  9. I didn’t know that today was Comey day when I put in my leave request, just happy it turned out that way. It’s too early for popcorn, but I’m watching with avocado toast. Still wondering why they “don’t feel like it” answers yesterday were allowed to just walk away.

  10. Good morning, Meese, it’s a gorgeous day here in NoVa—sunny and blue-skied, perfect for grilling and frying obstructive Rethuglicans. Current temp. is 54 F. with an expected high of 5,000 F. by the time the Senate Committee gets through grilling the guilty.

    Some people started lining up at 5 a.m. to hear the testimony on the Hill today. I think most of them are Hill staffers.

    Got Mr. Toddler here today, watching the construction guys tear up the street in front of our house. Hubby was in here in my office earlier, watching it too, as the view from my office is the best. They’re resurfacing the road today.

    Feeling good this morning because (1) the weather is nice, (2) last night, for the first time in a month, I worked on my book (wrote the first scene of Chapter 10), and (3) something may happen today to bring this administration down.

    Happy watching, all!

  11. 51 at a very clear and sunny dawn, 63 already and heading for 80. As of last night m-t-d is 105 KWHs! Catching up from that slow start. Got several of the serious messes cleared up yesterday. Hopefully will be able to clear up the last today. I have no idea what “Comey Day” will bring. I doubt it will be as significant as a lot of people think. The Rs don’t care that they are in power due to treason as well as lies, voter suppression, and ‘pay-to-play’ graft. They are in power and all they care about it keeping it. Comey will chip away at that which is good but nothing is going to magically get us out of this mess. We’re going to have to slog through it just like we did WWII.

    Meanwhile, need to check in on the Village diaries then get to work. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  12. Good morning, 55 and raining in Bellingham. Yesterday’s fuschia search was successful and today’s rain is welcome because I need to tend to laundry and my desk. And my knees need a day off from toting dirt and plants around.

    Listening to the Comey hearing now. How I wish/hope the days events will have a positive result. I’m gloomy though because the R’s in congress are actively making it harder for all of us to have health care security.

    Take care everyone.

  13. TGIF Meese

    53 here in the Catskills – cloudy – heading up to 80.

    • It may be too late. The Senate got the lazy press to write stories about how the “adults” in the Senate would fix the House bill. Nope! They will pass it pretty much as is with a slightly longer phase-in period and millions will lose health care. Elections have consequences and the brilliant plan of losing to “show people how awful it will be so that they will Rise Up and overthrow the Wall Street crowd” is now in place. Except for the last part because that is not how it works. Staying home and pouting and letting the destroyers win has never been a successful strategy because their winning will kill us and disenfranchise us. Nice revolution you got there, left-of-the-left.

      • The ultra-left have always been a problem – and in some cases a nightmare – like the Khmer Rouge with 2 million Cambodians killed.

        • Yes. They’re never really on our team – they just like to pretend when they want to use our resources.

  14. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 61 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 81. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The lovely late spring days are giving way to late summer heat – we are going to be in the 90s for the next week.

    As it becomes clear that “this is fine” by the Republicans will now be extended to the shitgibbon flouting the laws and using his office to protect his associates, it is even more depressing. A president cannot be indicted while he is in office, that is what impeachment is for. So he will continue to flout the laws in more and more egregious ways knowing that he can “shoot a person on 5th Avenue and get away with it”. Now we know what would have happened in 1974 if Republicans had been a majority in Congress. They cannot and will not impeach and remove Donald Trump – they are constitutionally(!) incapable of putting Country over Party. Goddess help us.

    The Senate found a “sweetener” to get Republicans who are on the fence to vote to take health care from 23 million Americans and end Medicaid. They will do what they are calling “lengthening the chute” – ending Medicaid in 7 years instead of 3. So the 14 million who depend on that program for healthcare will be put on a death chute and shoved into the abyss. Whee!! Good lord, how do those people live with themselves? Do they really not know anyone who has fallen on hard times or who is still not finding a family supporting job after the Not Quite A Recovery?

    I have to call Ron Freaking Johnson’s office again. Someone said that phone calls to Senate offices are back to pre-Trump levels; I suspect that the news stories that the Republicans planted about them “fixing” the AHCA abomination worked and people think that it won’t be passed. It will be passed and it will be signed and taking back Congress in 2018 will not help the people who will lose health insurance next year and who will lose health care forever. We might take back the House and a few Senators might lose their jobs but there will not be 67 votes there to override a tRump veto to re-instate health care in America. We had our chance and we blew it. :(

    On that cheery note, see all y’all later!

  15. Good morning, Meese, another beautiful day here in NoVa, with blue skies and sunshine. Current temp. is 54 F., going up to 79 F. later and there’s a full moon tonight!

    Just been looking at a diary at dk about how the Rethugs and even DiFi treated Comey like a woman who’s reported being the victim of a sexual predator. Yep. That’s exactly what it was like. “Well, if it’s so bad, why didn’t you report it? Why didn’t you confront him? Why didn’t you resign?”

    Someone on Twitter said The Occupant could eat a live baby on TV and it would be OK. Someone on dk said he could remember when a guy who had been divorced and remarried was considered too morally bankrupt to run for president—and then we got Ronnie Ray-gun.

    Headed out to the retirement community later this morning to visit my friend. Hope everyone will have a good day. Wish something could save us from what’s coming.

  16. I have a collection of side-eye and eye roll gifs which I use at Dkos to answer assholes

    Michelle Obama, Hillary, are part of the group.

    I will now add Kamala Harris – whose response to being interrupted is classic
    Chitown Kev posted this at Orange – and I’m saving

    • That one is quite good. As she settles in after the hair flip, she is thinking about 2019 when she becomes chair of that committee and asks Burr to make her a sammich. :)

    • So, do any of your techie blogging friends know to save a Tweeted video/gif to a picture file that you can re-use for yourself? I have been searching forever and can’t find anything. I would like to save that gif but it only exists as part of that Tweet.

  17. I walked for 30 minutes this morning. Contemplating joining a gum for 3 months. I can’t afford it, but I can’t afford to just become a bump on my couch either. I went to 5 gyms in my neighborhood yesterday, narrowed it to 2. One is slightly more than the other, but 2 miles closer (less gas to get there) and nicer. But the cheaper one is friendly & they showed me where the elliptical machines are that the after work crowd forgets are there. The reason for the 3 month time frame: I seriously lost my mind yesterday & bought a ticket to the U2 concert in St Louis in September. I have 99 days to get into shape where standing up for 6 hours or so won’t kill me. I can’t afford any of this, but there’s existing & living, and this memory will keep me warm for years. I’ll be in debt no matter what & adding this much won’t make that much difference. Besides, if I get a kiss from Adam, I’ll just die of happiness right there. So yesterday was eventful & that’s even without the Comey testimony. Here’s my loves on Jimmy Kimmel doing a version of I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For with a surprise gospel choir, and the audience. Again, even if you aren’t a fan & never click on these links — watch this, it’ll lift you heart so high

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