Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Oct. 30th through Nov. 5th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.


  1. Good morning, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 39 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 52. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Good morning, Moosekind! It’s 56 F. this morning with an expected high of 80 F. here in NoVa on a partly cloudy morning.

    Missed check-in yesterday because of scrambling to get to Hillary HQ by 9 a.m. for training in GOTV. They asked us to sign up for five sessions, starting Saturday the 5th of November. I signed up for four and my partner did the same. We sync’d our sessions all except Election Day itself. Hope I don’t have to go out alone that day.

    We walked for three hours in our assigned neighborhood in Reston, VA yesterday. It was so tiring! Happy to report that we met with a very good reception from the Restonians, half of whom had Hillary signs in their front yards. All had dogs that barked when we approached the houses. To show you how “wild” the neighborhood is, I saw two deer leaping through someone’s backyard and a healthy-looking red fox running along the sidewalk on Ring Road.

    People, next time around I’m going to say I’m too old to do this. At least it’s almost bearable with a partner. It would have been awful to do it alone. Fortunately, the nice woman who’s my partner feels the same way.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and Beyond!

    • You are amazing!

      The new moon was at 0.3% illumination this morning when I woke up and that energy will be building slowly until the 1st quarter on Election Day. I am still thinking about how I want to focus the waxing moon energy and tie it to the waxing year but I haven’t had time to sit down in a quiet space yet (the end of the month is extremely hectic).

  3. Good morning Meese – 52 and rain – going up to 60

    Today’s topic at orange – Samhain, Halloween and Day of the Dead
    Wanted to talk about something other than the election and emails

    Hope everyone has a good day today!

  4. Some powerful music here

    This American Life asked Sara Bareilles (Broadway’s “Waitress”) to imagine what President Obama might be thinking about the current election and Donald Trump, but can’t say publicly. Leslie Odom, Jr., performs the song.

  5. Didn’t do a thing yesterday. Well, I did make myself get out & buy groceries. I have beans cooking & later I’ll make a lentil dish for a potluck (I could afford it because I already had the lentils & spices, I just bought spinach & onions & I needed more non-milk anyway). But maybe I should get in the walk I didn’t do yesterday…..

  6. 60s overnight heading for 80 – sort of in the middle of stuff but can’t settle to anything right now. Didn’t get much sleep which is probably a chunk of the problem. Have the muffins baked but haven’t gotten the chicken in the crockpot or started the lunch soups yet. Some cleaning done, some not. Washing machine still going, need to hang the clothes out before I can go get kibble (container I thought was full wasn’t – sigh). Just that kind of morning.

    I’ll check back when I can. And head to GOS to read Denise’s diary. Can’t see the moon when it’s new – too many trees to the east. Purposing a candle since yesterday that I will start burning after dark. New moon, new year, new start – once we’ve cleaned up the mess that is, among other things, the election season.

    Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  7. A late good morning, 55 and cloudy in Bellingham. My day is already out of sorts……too much time awake in the middle of the night, too many family issues this morning, a long list of things I don’t want to do is waiting, and I’m grouchy!

    So, time for another cup of coffee and a try at a fresh start for the day.

  8. Good morning, meese! Monday …

    It is 39 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 57. Partly cloudy skies are in the forecast.

    It’s easy to read the news when you avoid yam yammering and emails! It appears that attacks on our nominee are mostly getting Democratic voters more pumped up to vote. Sad yam!

    Today, Hillary makes two stops in Ohio, Kent State at 2:45pm Eastern and Cincinnati at 6:15pm. Tim Kaine will be in North Carolina and Anne Holton will be in Nebraska (!). Tomorrow, Hillary will be in Florida, Tim will be in Wisconsin, President Obama will be in Columbus Ohio, and other surrogates will be in North Carolina, New Hampshire, Iowa, and Colorado.

    Energy is gathering in the waxing moon. Today, while the veil between the two worlds is thin, I will reach out to ancestors and ask for their help in getting people to make the right decision for our future. There are 8 days and 15 hours until polls close in Wisconsin.

    See all y’all later!!

      • Thanks for the pictures. I can’t see the early phases of the moon – too many trees at home and daylight by the time I leave for work. As with a baby in the womb, the greatest growth – most intense covering the most stuff – is in the dark of the early waxing phase.

  9. I found this story yesterday in my Twitter timeline. Daniel Dale is a reporter for the Toronto Star (follow at @ddale8) who has been covering the 2016 election. His reporting is filled with honesty and one of the services he offers is a simple daily list of Trump lies (something no American news source does).

    A Hillary Clinton secret: lots of voters really like her

    Like most Democrats, Clinton does well with visible minorities of all types. But Ben Tulchin, a Democratic strategist who was the pollster for the Bernie Sanders campaign Clinton defeated, said her greatest strength is Democratic women age 50 and older, who not only support her but “identify with her.”

    “That’s why she won the primary, quite frankly: she just had a bedrock of support, Democratic women over 50, who didn’t budge at all,” Tulchin said. “Even when polling has kind of waxed and waned, she’s always had that base of support, and that base hasn’t gone anywhere. It’s made a huge difference.” […]

    Older Democratic women, Tulchin said, care most about the historic nature of Clinton’s candidacy. They empathize with her professional experiences and career sacrifices. And as women who came of age during the era of second-wave feminism, he said, they were enthused by the active, political tenure as first lady that alienated older men.

    His conclusions were confirmed in interviews with 15 of Clinton’s female supporters from around the country. They all said they were eager to see a woman in the Oval Office. But they were especially attached to this woman.

    They respect her intelligence, work ethic and resilience. They relate to both her stumbles and successes. The controversies that have dogged her for three decades have only made them like her more.

    “What that woman has been put through in her public life, and her private life. And she has stood there with dignity all of these years,” said homemaker Rose Marie Nin, 70, in line for Clinton’s rally last week in Philadelphia.

    Where Sanders bitter-enders see a centrist or conservative posing as a progressive, her core supporters see a committed liberal with the record to prove it. Where Trump backers see a “career politician,” they see a public servant with critical experience.


    • I read the Dale piece (someone in the Hillary diaries had a link to it yesterday) and it’s very good. The sort of thing it would be nice if somebody – anybody – in our own press would publish. And yes, we do see in Hillary “a committed liberal with the record to prove it.” That’s why We’re With Her. :)

  10. Good morning, Meese! Jan, thanks for all the encouraging posts this Moon Day morning. Dearly Beloved turned on the morning show (ABC) and it was enough to make one sick: nothing but uncritical, eager acceptance of the email story and how there’s only “1 point” between HRC and DT (Delirium Tremens) in the tracking polls.

    The American media is the most loathsome set of uncritical, unreasoning idiots that ever lived.

    Currently it’s 50 F. in NoVa under clearing skies, going up to 59 F. Got a lot to do today. Dearly is still under the weather with that cough, which refuses to go away despite Prednisone, antibiotics, vapor-inhaling, and whathaveyou. He can’t go to work today. We won’t be flying anywhere in two weeks, he’s just in no shape to do it.

    Looking forward to the little goblins and ghosties coming to the door tonight! Just hope I haven’t eaten all the candy before then. :) Wishing a good day to all!

    • Ha!! My daughter is too old to trick or treat and, after having stood at the door all these years, I am sick and tired of it. Plus my dog hates it. We will disconnect the doorbell and go into the basement during the designated Trick or Treat hours and watch TV.

    • Well, if all the products of “science” (and Madison Avenue) haven’t helped your husband, you might try him on what I recommend to everybody – 500 mg vitamin C every couple of hours and 1/2 c. garlic soup (fist of garlic simmered in a quart of stock) in the hours in between. It certainly won’t hurt. Healing Energy.

      • Thank you, bfitz! His energy and appetite are better, it’s just that wretched cough. I might try that garlic soup and Vi C myself, as I feel a cold coming on. I seem to get lots of colds despite eating fruit as if there’s no tomorrow. Hope I’m not already in the category of “frail elderly”!

  11. Woke up at 4, gave up at 5 & got up. I’m in my Hermione Granger outfit, complete with Gryffindor tie & time-turner. Brain… not working so well. I have Discotheque playing in my head — loud, poppy, dance-y music to keep me upright.

  12. Good mornin’ Meese.

    Not much to report today – got up early to do tomorrow’s Black Kos – now am going to eat some breakfast.
    Important tweets – if you see something or have a problem – call!

    • Saturday someone told me his vote wouldn’t count. When I asked why he said it was because they threw away votes from convicted felons so why should he bother. I told him if the felony is the problem they won’t register you at all. If you’re registered, your vote counts. So today he’s calling the County Clerk’s office to see if he’s registered – and will most certainly vote Dem if he is.

  13. Hillary at Kent State via CSPAN:

    Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton delivers remarks to supporters at a campaign event in Kent to encourage early voting in Ohio.

    Airing LIVE Monday, Oct 31 1:45pm CDT on C-SPAN.org

    Hillary in Cincinnati via CSPAN:

    Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters at a campaign rally in Cincinnati, Ohio.

    Airing LIVE Monday, Oct 31 5:15pm CDT on C-SPAN

  14. My low is Jan’s high – and we’re heading for low 80s. This is November? Anyway once the fog burns off it’s supposed to be sunny. I can use it. Trees are still mostly leafed out and are cutting into my electricity generation (angle of sun this time of year doesn’t change no matter what the climate does).

    Comey’s little game may possibly trigger the only way to get rid of him before his 10-year term is out. Interfering in the election is a Hatch Act violation – as Harry Reid has most strongly pointed out and there’s already someone pursuing that although I don’t remember who. More importantly for the election, it’s energizing our base and getting a percentage of the “3rd Party/protest vote” people to vote for Hillary. Blue Wave, folks. Visualize Blue Wave.

    Gotta get to work. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  15. Morning all! Forgot to check in yesterday, as I slept until almost noon, after not sleeping at all the night before. Guess I’m caught up. My weather is like bfitzinAR’s – but it’s pleasant, cool breeze in the AM. I think we’re supposed to cool off just a bit next weekend.

    Al Giordano sent out a great newsletter this morning, in which he points out that this latest e-mail flap hasn’t changed people’s minds at all, and that the media ALWAYS hypes a “tightening race” at this point in campaigns mainly to get us to tune in and watch them. It’s always all about the Benjamins – I read someplace that CNN’s revenues were up $100M more than anticipated over the last year because of the Trump phenomenon which they as much as anyone else helped to create. Meanwhile, it seems like much of the money Trump has raised has gone right back into his family’s coffers, hotels, etc. He is as much a grifter as Sarah Palin was, just on a slightly more grandiose scale.

    I’m not sure Comey has violated the Hatch Act, but he is the object of almost universal scorn from his peers – and I think the FBI is filled with right wing agents who would do anything, including violating their own oaths of office, to smear Hillary Clinton. This is going to be a continuing problem for her when she takes office – she cannot fire him, he has to resign voluntarily, and even if he does that, the agency is obviously filled with people who will work with a Republican House to spread lies and innuendo and fuel bogus investigations from the moment she takes the oath of office. It is imperative that we take the Senate and at least cut down on the Republican margin in the House – I don’t know if the country can take 4 more years of obstruction.

    Al urges us to turn off the TV and get out and work to get Hillary elected – Diana, I so admire your work in GOTV!!! I wish I could walk well enough to do canvassing, but my knees just won’t take it – I must finally get myself to the doctor and get something done about that.

    All right, stuff to do today – and I need to finish reading Dee’s wonderful diary from yesterday at DKos! My Twitter feed from JK Rowling, who I follow, is filled with pictures people sent her of themselves and their children dressed as Harry Potter characters for Halloween – LOTS of Hermiones! Everyone have a great day!

  16. Good morning, 49 and raining in Bellingham. We’re taking pizza to our son’s house tonight so we can enjoy some Halloween time with the grand girls. Our neighborhood used to be fun on Halloween with lots of little kids trick or treating with their parents. But now it’s mostly older kids who arrive close to my bedtime so we’ll turn the porch light off this year.

    Looks like we have a new dog in the family pack. The girls finally talked their dad into finding a companion for Maggie so they have a rescue 2 yr old Shih Tzu with them for a week’s trial. The little guy was in a hoarder’s garage with about 30 other dogs, but seems to be healthy and settling into the family. Lots of dogs when we are all together!

    Happy Halloween everyone :)

  17. Good morning, meese! Tuesday …

    It is 61 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 68. Mostly sunny skies are in the forecast.

    November!! Finally!! I hate that I am hoping the days rush past but I really want this election to be over.

    Democratic leaning voters are voting early in record numbers, lawsuits are being filed to get purged voters added back in in several states, and our side is motivated.

    FINALLY, the press is reporting the new emails discovered as from an aide to Hillary Clinton – and not her – and FINALLY the press seems to have been shamed by Harry Reid into aggressively covering the Russia-Trump connection. Amazing story about the Russian server at Trump Tower, btw. I don’t think this is Manchurian candidate stuff but I do think that Trump has some financial connections that are probably ill advised if not illegal. We will never know! He will lose without having to release his income taxes returns. I hope that on the first day of the 115th Congress a bill is introduced to require full financial disclosure by any candidate who aspires to our highest office.

    Today, Hillary makes three stops in Florida, including Fort Lauderdale, Tim makes two in Wisconsin, and President Obama speaks in Columbus Ohio at 4:30pm Eastern. Tomorrow, Hillary goes to Arizona and President Obama will be in Chapel Hill North Carolina.

    See all y’all later!

        • I am a visual person and seeing the light grow helps me focus the energy.

          I had these moons left over from my one-time GOS presence where I posted three moons each day and they are coming in handy. I have a full month of gradual increases and decreases.

  18. Frosty Tuesday here in Saugerties – it’s 29.
    Going up to 56.

    Have school – will talk about Samhain in Witchcraft class today. In women’s studies we will be examining women and economics.
    Hope everyone made it through Halloween

    Here’s the full frontal with the O-man

  19. Ok, here it is November 1st & I’m wearing an outfit I could have (& did) in June/July. Capris, short sleeve shirt, sandals. I like Austin’s warm climate, but I think by November anywhere should be cool enough for shoes. This is ridiculous.

    Thinking of leaving work early today, so there will be time for both errands & exercise. Meanwhile, playing U2 really loud in my head.

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