Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: Feb. 12th through Feb. 18th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (every Sunday morning). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will now split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the link.

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  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Sunday morning low of 19 degrees in Madison WI with an expected daytime high of 39. Isolated flurries are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sorry, Canada, we suck:

    The Windsor, Ont. public school board is cancelling all student field trips to the United States because the current American political climate is considered too “unsafe” and unpredictable to permit cross-border travel.

    “Paramount for us is student safety … we really don’t know what will happen to our students at the border,” said Clara Howitt, a superintendent with the Greater Essex County District School Board.

    “Our priority is the safety and well being of students,” said board spokesman Scott Scantlebury. “Having to, for whatever reason, have a student travelling on a field trip be barred from entry or be left behind … we’re not going to proceed if that is the possibility.”

    • Windsor is right across the river fron Detroit, accessible by bridge or tunnel. So this isn’t some symbolic action by people who are unlikely to visit anyway; this is an action taken on behalf of students who have regularly visited in the past.

  3. Good Sunday Morning Meese

    29 here in the Catskills – winter storm warning in effect.
    Elated with the success and turnout at yesterdays Moral March

    Waiting for a video of Rev. Barber’s speech which was – as- usual – awesome

    • {{{Denise}}} – your piece at DK was definitely awesome, as usual. But equally as usual, too many comments and commenters for me to jump in. Hard facts. Hard to face facts. Hard to figure out how the heck we go forward from here – especially now – towards that goal of America the Beautiful, freedom and justice for All, when the whole social foundation is slavery and genocide. Hard to come up with an answer to the question of what can I do? But I want to.

  4. Good morning.

    Another day, and waiting for another OMG. Hope they get Flynn and pence. It would be a start.

    I watched SNL. eh. Outside of “Spicey”, I thought it was just OK. The Kellyanne part was not funny, and bizarre. I was hoping for Rosie, but nope.

    Looking forward to more R town halls with folks screaming. Hopefully those congresscritters are running scared.

    • Morning Barb…I was hoping for Rosie as well…Pissing off Bannon will hopefully get him mad enough to make a mistake…I haven’t seen anything other than Melissa her Spicer spoof…It was OK…Not as good as the last but still good shoving it in Dumps face…The inserting Kate as the bigoted AG was kinda weird …I couldn’t make sense of what she was saying…Hopefully they’ll get better next week…

      • Yeah, I was like “why did I wait up for this”. I long for the old days of SNL when it was really funny.

    • What? No Rosie? But the profile picture….. Grrr. Off to delete unwatched from the dvr.

    • Why is the tweet I posted not showing…chime in Meese…For your enjoyment it is a standing ovation at a rally of sorts when @JoaquinCastro announces he is running against the moron Ted Cruz…yay!!!

        • {{{Batch}}} – Michael cross-posted the British Breakfast (without the picture) with his usual caustic look at the world. :)

        • FYI: To post a Tweet in its full glory, you need to use the Embed code from Twitter. I don’t know much about how DK’s new version works (I left when it was still using stone tablets and chisels) but I think it takes any link you put into a comment and renders it into a displayable element for you. A WordPress site requires a little more help from the user!

          There is an embed option that also shows only the video which is what I selected for this.

  5. Despite being really tired — 6 mile walk, groceries, preliminary prep for cooking today — I had an awful night’s sleep. Sigh. This morning I have tea steeping & I’ll chop up nuts for 2 dishes & roast them. After church, I’m making baked oatmeal & a dinner dish of sweet potatoes with mango & avocado. And clearing the dvr, because Walking Dead comes back tonight (I can’t stay up late enough for Talking Dead so I record the 2 of them)

    And record warmth continues. I’m wearing short sleeves & sandals to church. In February. Crazy.

    • Sorry about the awful night–I often have trouble with sleep, too. (The anxiety about our government doesn’t help–I wonder if sales of sleep aids and anti-anxiety medications are going to sky-rocket over the next 4 years.)

      The dish of sweet potatoes, mango, and avocado sounds intriguing. Can the recipe be found online? (Fellow vegetarian here.)

      • yep, it’s from one of the Engine 2 Diet books – it also has cilantro; but it you google “Engine 2” & those ingredients, you should find it. Don’t add the avocado till you’re ready to eat it, if you add it & leave it for a few days, the avocado will dissolve. You still get the flavor, but not the chunk of avocado. I also add nuts & black beans — this recipe asks for black beans, I don’t know why they weren’t in to begin with.

      • I am focusing my energy on the vulgar talking yam being president for less than 2 years. My hope is that when Congress is forced to start investigations of his double-dealing (or when we take back Congress and do it ourselves!) that he will decide to resign, take a Mike Pence pardon, and go back to being a failed reality TV host.

  6. Morning, Meese. Another grey day here in apple country north of Detroit, with a high of 38. It’s foggy again too; I would much prefer sunny and cold to grey and damp, but wouldn’t we all?

    I’m still “recovering” from the MI Democratic convention. I’m trying to sort out how much of my negative reaction was because I was physically overwhelmed by the crowds and emotionally swamped by a fresh wave of election-result grief. I will probably post about it for Tuesday’s Village edition; by then I hope to have my feelings sorted out. I will say that yesterday I kept checking Twitter for updates on the #MoralMarch, because it was a beautiful reminder of why I fight.

    • {{{DoReMI}}} – as with any other loss, things will bring the pain back “out of nowhere” – especially the first year. looking forward to your post Tuesday. moar {{{HUGS}}} and Healing Energy.

  7. Good morning, Moosekind! “All the clouds are louring upon our house” today. The sky is grey and ugly; temp. is currently 47 F., going up to 62 F., or so they say.

    Have discovered, thanks to Sister Denise, that the history I was taught in public school was a LIE. The North did have slaves and did profit from their forced labor. So much for the textbooks and the brainwashed teacher.

    Got to run because of getting ready to go out. Hope to be back later to read more!

  8. Started the day in the mid-50s and staying there until sundown – it’s sunny and that’s the only reason the drop isn’t starting sooner as the wind has already shifted to NNE and is right nippy. Electricity just reached 99.9 KWHs for the month last night, but is already at 101 today. That kind of sunny (serious generation doesn’t start til 10 am – like 15 minutes ago – so it’s sunny enough to have generated 1.5 KWHs in “slow” 3 hours after dawn.

    Got all my housework and cooking/baking done for the week. (Peanutbutter and strawberry jam muffins this week.) Need to head over to DK to spread the community needs stuff around and then read Michael’s British Breakfast and Denise’s FPer. I’ll be back in a bit. Bright the day and wind to thy wings, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  9. Good morning, 36 and cloudy in Bellingham. Everyone is sleeping in so the house is quiet this morning. We had fun yesterday, but the awfulness of tRump’s presidency is a heavy presence. But we enjoyed our day together regardless.

    I’m glad to know Wa State is going to be proactive re protecting personal data……

    Inslee, Democratic lawmakers look to protect data for immigrants, refugees in Trump era

    Legislation filed in Olympia would prevent the state from sharing data with the federal government that could be used to determine someone’s religious faith.

    And Gov. Jay Inslee has directed his staff to identify data collected by state agencies that the federal government could use to learn someone’s nationality or citizenship status, said Nick Brown, the governor’s general counsel.

    “The governor was curious about getting a better handle on understanding the type of data we collect and why we collect it,” Brown said.

    • Good for Gov. Inslee! I worry a bit about the precedents being set as blue states refuse to share data with the federal government but lives are at stake. I am afraid that the yaministration and their hateful policies have changed all the rules – I wonder if we will ever be one nation again.

      • That will be the job of the next Dem president – to make us one nation again. And start us back up the road toward Freedom and Justice for ALL.

  10. Hello Meese! (Which cartoon character used to say “I love meeses to pieces?”)

    Here in Rochester, 36 F. and rain, rain, rain.

    • {{{barbaraes}}} – actually the cartoon character in question didn’t love meeses, he hated them. It was Jinx the cat and the meeses were Pixie (a northern mouse) and Dixie (a southern mouse) the Hanna-Barbera series that was part of the Huckleberry Hound show (in Houston it was Thursdays a 5 pm, before the local news). But we love meeses to pieces. :)

      Your weather would be winter for us, but I think it’s probably not where you live. heh.

      • Thank you for the information and the correction! I didn’t even remember the name Jinx the cat–just the “meeses to pieces” phrase.

        Funny that it’s from Huckleberry Hound– I was going through boxes just last month, and came across my older brother’s Huckleberry Hound club membership card and button. :)

        • I probably had one myself although I don’t remember. I do remember when Yogi Bear got popular enough they “spun” him off to his own show. That was Mondays at 5:00 – We had Quickdraw McGraw on Tuesdays, Woody Woodpecker Wednesdays, and Popeye on Fridays. Hanna-Barbera was taking over the cartoon world at the time – 3 out of the 5 were H-B.

  11. Good morning, dear Meese.

    MPLS/St Paul weather forecast for the week: ‘Warm and calm.’

      • That sounds like what we should be having, Denise :) I’ll gratefully take the warm and calm.

  12. Monday Morning and I’m going in to school today since the roads seem to be cleared of snow.
    I will not complain about our weather – prayers for the folks in CA

  13. Good morning, meese! Monday …

    It is 28 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 45. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    The Flynn story is heating up (even my local right-wing rag put something about it on the front page). I doubt it will be enough to scratch the Teflon coating on the orange sh*tgibbon – there was plenty out there prior to the election to sink him – but every minute they spend defending the awful people that are part of this disgraceful administration is a minute they can’t focus on destroying our health care and safety net. People wonder how low his approval rating needs to go before it impacts his ability to govern – lower than his current 40%, that’s for sure. I think maybe when the approval reflects only deplorables (when people who reflexively voted R finally become disgusted), then we might see some real wounding. That is probably about 30%.

    From Gallup – 40% approval, 55% disapproval:

    Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have some bills that require the tiny hands of a Republican president and until his popularity drops into the range where their caucuses start worrying, they will stay the course.

    See all y’all later!

  14. Village Meese!

    A new user showed up in an older post (from Friday) and I wanted to make sure y’all saw the comment from Anna T at the end of the post (the link only gets you “close”).

    Hello All, you don’t know me but I know you – have been following the Village assiduously for seems like forever. So glad to have found you all again. Signed, your lurking supporter Anna T.

    I am working on better comment sorting tools (so we can more easily see new comments for our own posts and replies to our comments) but it may require writing my own routines which will mean learning WordPress code and educating myself on plug-in best practices so that I don’t crash the web site! I probably won’t have time until the beginning of March.

  15. Ack – the roads are not clear here – headed out to school and the car in front of me spun out on the black ice and narrowly missed crashing into me.
    I turned around and came home!
    The high winds are causing even the roads that have been salted to freeze over.
    (I hate winter)


  16. Good morning everyone!

    If you don’t like winter, come to Chicago. We haven’t had any snow since the 20th of December, and it’s going up to 46 today with sun. It’ll be in the 50’s in a couple of days. Crazy. We’ll probably get snow in June.

    Watching twitter yesterday makes me feel like something is going to happen soon with Flynn, Pense, et al. Just a feeling, but I hope it happens, and starts to derail the whole mess in the White House. We’ll see.

    • Ha! The weather you’re describing as “warm” is the “chilly” weather we’re going back to tomorrow — 44 going up to 60. That’s “brrr” to us central Texans.

    • heh – Chicago – no thanks – The Hawk
      (my dad was from Chicago – and that wind off the lake – brrrrrrr)

  17. Eating oatmeal, drinking tea. No jacket today but tomorrow is supposed to be cold. Going to be spending a lot of mental energy this week not freaking out about the race. I’m so glad I have no money right now & there’s literally no way for me to register for next year’s race when they send out the steep discount rate on Monday. “But it’s a bargain” is irrelevant when the money doesn’t exist. Playing City of Blinding Lights in my head because it’s Monday & I need the energy.

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