Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: May 23rd

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool, shown here with 3 pages of comments available.


  1. Good morning. Actually slept ok last night, guess it was the exercise yesterday. Today, I might go into the office in the afternoon. I need to, to try & reach some of my applicants; I think their phones reject calls from unidentified callers. For right now, Iโ€™m eating breakfast & watching local news.

  2. Wednesday Meese. Cannot believe it is gonna be 91 here today in Kingston NY.

  3. Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! It was seriously ugly when Monty and I rose at a quarter past five this morning, in the sense that the sky was completely covered by dark clouds. Those clouds prevented our catching a glimpse of the Full Super Blood Flower Moon. Now the sky is trying to clear the clouds away preparatory to organizing a few afternoon thunderstorms, some of them severe. Or so “they” say. Right now it’s 74 F. in Ashburn, going up to 91 F. later.

    I need to go buy wine glasses at the Treasure Chest, check my garden, exercise in the new gym, get my hair washed and dried, and buy a few essential items at the grocery store. Don’t feel like doing any of it, all I want to do at this point is lie down to ease my aching back.

    Eyesight in the left eye is still fuzzy. I did manage to send off an electronic birthday card to my darling Mr. First Grader, who will be seven years old on Sunday. I sent the email to both parents in case one is too busy on Sunday to open it.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  4. It’s 68 heading for mid 80s and the sun’s trying to come out. (Widget says rain again tomorrow so I just put the laundry on.) Yesterday we generated 5.5 KWHs and the m-t-d is 295 – basically we’ve had about 60% of the “normal” sunshine for this month. Which fits right in with me running on about 60% of my personal energy right now.

    Jill’s still radio silent. Lisa’s trying to get grocery store energy. Smog thing and license? Goddess only knows. I haven’t heard from Fineena yet about yesterday’s doctor’s appointment. And other than pushing sales to pay for it, Aji’s in a holding pattern until the full results of Monday’s tests – and the future tests “they” want to do – come in. My DiL is still holding at better. The GFM for my son’s friend (or rather his widow) got an anonymous $1K last night. That may or may not have been due to me boosting it, but it came in shortly after I did. Not that it matters who or why, just that it did.

    The Rs and the MSM set their pattern in 1995. It hasn’t changed. Only the names/people being lauded, trashed, or ignored. It’s like a limerick – long line, long line, short line, short line, long line. The rhythm stays the same no matter what the words are. We need to change patterns as well as words. Mostly we need to change to prose – factual prose – and change who pays the authors.

    I’ve got company coming in a couple of weeks ๐Ÿ’• and need to haul some junk out of the guest room. And remove multiple pounds of cat fur. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ It’s gonna take time so I’ll try to start today. But first coffee and twitter. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  5. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 68 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 72. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    I am dreadfully behind as I am trying to wrap things up so I can spend a long uncluttered holiday weekend with friends and family. So naturally, I had an email service crisis that slowed me down.

    See all y’all later!

  6. Good morning, 52 and cloudy In Bellingham. I was awake in the night hoping to see the moon but I just got a glimpse before going back to sleep. I’ve started taking a new med to help manage the arthritis in my joints and the pain relief is wonderful, but the side effects of a very dry mouth and a foggy brain are most unpleasant. It’s nice to be able to walk easier so I hope I’ll adjust.

    Best wishes to all.

    • {{{princesspat}}} Brain fog is definitely unpleasant. I hope as your body gets used to the new meds that goes away. But it’s so very good they reduce the pain. Healing Energy & moar {{{HUGS}}}

    • Yikes, that is a dilemma. I hope that the foggy brain will lift after a while and leave you with only the helpful pain relief.

  7. Good morning, meeses! Thursday …

    It is 46 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 50. Cloudy and rainy. Tomorrow the high will be 46 – we won’t see 70s again until Tuesday.

    So the gunman in San Jose turns out to be a girlfriend abuser – SHOCKED. If I were in charge, the first people whose guns I would take away – and forever bar from owning any weapons – would be abusive boyfriends and husbands. It would cut down the murder rate dramatically.

    Wisconsin will join the real witch hunt in 2021 America: the plan to investigate the 2020 presidential election using ex-cops to (I suspect) get in people’s grills about their votes is pure GQP. I need to find a blue state – or at least a state that has a chance of having a sane state legislature – before next year’s gubernatorial election. If Wisconsin goes back to having a Republican governor, the state will be uninhabitable.

    My plan is to treat today as Friday and take a long 4 day weekend of laziness. So far I have gotten one of the three “hot” tasks I needed to get done this morning taken care of. If I can get the other two done, I can probably fend off clients until next week.

    See all y’all later!

    • Jan, I recommend Virginia. We’ve turned into a blue state and I don’t see us going back. The Rethugs are insane.

      We don’t have earthquakes (as a rule, and when we do they’re very small*), hurricanes, forest fires, mud slides, tornadoes, or blizzards. In fact snow is almost unknown nowadays in Northern Virginia.

      However, housing in this area is expensive unless you live well away from the nearer suburbs. Ashburn is really ugly but there are other places, like Leesburg, which is full of 18th-century charm.

      Our last earthquake was 10 years ago, originating in Mineral, VA. It damaged the National Cathedral and the Washington Monument, but other than that, most places were okay.

      • Interesting! I thought you regularly got washed away in floods – maybe that is a different part of Virginia?

        • It must be downstate, because I haven’t heard of any floods here. Forty or 50 years ago there was a section where Arlington County met Alexandria, called “Arlandria,” that flooded every year. But evidently something was done to mitigate the situation because it hasn’t happened in lo, these many years.

  8. Thursday Meese. 62 going up to 77 here in Kingston NY. Got hit by heavy thunderstorms and hail here last evening – thankfully no damage or power outage.

    Puerto Rico

  9. I hope that KJP gets the Press Secretary job when Jen Psaki steps down early next year.

    from the transcript:

    Q Your presence here today is making history. Youโ€™re the first Black woman to stand behind that podium speaking on behalf of the President in 30 years. Just wondering if you could share your reflections with us.

    MS. JEAN-PIERRE: Well, thank you for the question. You know, itโ€™s โ€” itโ€™s a real honor to be standing โ€” to just be standing here today. It doesnโ€™t โ€” you know, the โ€” I appreciate the historic nature, I really do. But I believe that, you know, behind โ€” being behind this podium, being in this room, being in this building is not about one person; itโ€™s about, you know, what we do on behalf of the American people.

    Clearly, the President believes in โ€œrepresentation matters,โ€ and I appreciate him giving me this opportunity. And itโ€™s another reason why I think we are all so proud that this is the most diverse administration in history.

  10. 75 degrees & humid at 6 am, ugh. I managed 4 90-second running segments, with a minute between most, did 2 more at 1 minute, with more than a minute between. Just really hard. So this step will take at least 2 weeks. I e-mailed the bosses yesterday, and Iโ€™m going into the office this afternoon. Going to be weird to be there when there are people โ€” most of my trips in are before most people are there. Anyway, thatโ€™s my day.

  11. Good Thursday morning, Meese! Did any of you see the Super Full Blood Flower Moon last night? We didn’t. As always, the foggy Rethuglican minds in Foggy Bottom sent up a horrid miasma that obscured the skies on full moon night. I went out looking for the moon first thing this morning but at 5:30, so the moon had probably already retired for the day. It’s a lovely, sunny day in dear old Ashburn, 74 F. now, 84 F. later.

    Yesterday afternoon we had our usual stupid weather. At 4 p.m. the sky looked ominous, so we prepared ourselves for a storm. Then the dark clouds moved off merrily to the south and we were left cursing. However, just before six the cloudless blue sky formed more clouds and erupted into 10 minutes of heavy rain. There was enough that I don’t really feel the need to water the garden today.

    Made Banana-Walnut Bran Muffins for breakfast, have finished my COFFEE, painted whitening agent on my teeth, and will shortly go to the gym.

    The door to the screened porch is open. I can hear a whole cicada chorus working its way through Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.” Summer. Yep, it’s on the way all right!

    Wishing all at the Pond a good day.

  12. It’s 75 heading for 85. The sun was shining when I got up but the clouds have already moved in. Supposed to be rain in another couple of hours and start to cool down again. In the 70s for the next 10 days. Yesterday was lovely and mostly sunny. We generated 19.7 KWHs and the m-t-d is 315. That’s not good, much less great, but it’s over 300 and as long as I’m not using the A/C that will do.

    Lousy sleep, not a lot of it, and so fuzzy brain this morning. Sinusitis is not life threatening, for which I am very truly grateful, but it’s certainly not comfortable. Still no word from Jill. (Am I freaked? Why, yes I am.) Aji’s hanging on – in lots of pain, scared, and trying to bring in sales to pay for the treatment that’s going to be either expensive or gawdawful expensive, depending. Fineena’s ride canceled Monday night so she didn’t get to the doctor Tuesday after all. She’s rescheduled for next Thursday. Amelia managed to do her grocery shopping but not much else. She tried the motorized wheelchair/scooter the store has and says it makes all the difference. She may be able to get out more frequently and not have to rely on the more expensive Instacart. My DiL is holding fairly well. Which is good because they can’t afford the Rx the jerkwad OBGyn prescribed. The GFM my son asked me to boost for the family of his friend from the gurdwara got that nice donation but nothing since. We keep on keepin’ on – hope lives as long as we do.

    Too fuzzy in the brain to coherently comment on what’s going on in the world. Evil ones doing evil. RW propaganda machine portrays evil as good and good as evil. We work to stop the evil ones in the face of that propaganda. Same ol’ same ol’ – but I’m too fuzzy to even remember the current set of names to plug into the limerick today. Maybe coffee will help. The overcast certainly doesn’t. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

  13. Good morning, 55 and raining in Bellingham. Not much new from me today as I’m still in a med induced brain fog. All I managed to do yesterday to keep a hair appointment, meet with Justin, our computer guy, and then take a long nap. I fumbled around but finally got the right app on my phone so I could install the new Comcast modem so today we’ll take the old one back and try to negotiate a better monthly deal. I wish we could just pay for the channels we watch but that’s not the way it works.

    Best wishes to all on this rainy day.

    • I wish we could just pay for the channels we watch but thatโ€™s not the way it works.

      Sob! Wouldn’t that be nice? I used to so enjoy watching the evening news in French and the afternoon news in Arabic. I even got to where I could recognize the name “Kashmir” in Arabic on the maps they used to show, and the Arabic for “Cairo.”

      For a while there I was completely familiar with the members of the French cabinet and so on. Of course, it didn’t hurt that Bruno Masure, the news presenter, was extremely attractive. One New Year’s Eve he showed up for his broadcast in white tie.

  14. Friday Meese. 51 and raining here in Kingston, going up to 58
    Just posted a quick diary

  15. Good morning. Another stormy day here โ€” chance of thunderstorms starts right when I have my grocery pick up scheduled. Oh well. (Local grocery chain has free curbside, so I use that for 90% of my groceries, because why not? Thereโ€™s a couple of things that arenโ€™t available, so I go in sometimes). For now, Iโ€™m eating breakfast & watching local news.

  16. Good Friday morning, Moosekind! It’s another beautiful day in Ashburn, although “They” claim it’ll start raining at noon and that we’ll have nasty thunderstorms in the afternoon. Actually, for once I hope the nasty thunderstorms don’t materialize. I have two child-minding jobs, one tonight for a couple of hours, and one next Sunday for a considerably longer time.

    Anyway it’s 68 F. now, going up to 71 F. Dearly and I are going to put Monty in Doggy Play Care and do some errands we’ve been putting off for months.

    Had to laugh yesterday: it seems Political Granddaughter, currently employed as a Finance Director at Emily’s List, is organzing a union at that entity, along with three other people. She’s a chip off the old block! In the early 70s I was one of three troublemakers who tried to get a union going at The MITRE Corporation. We used to meet with the union organizer at the Ramada Inn after work. He paid for the drinks. Anyway, he told us exactly how matters were going to unfold and so they did.

    In the end the brainwashed secretary-caryatids voted against the union, but the company biggies were so affrighted that they started giving the nonexempt employees three weeks’ vacation a year, just like the exempt employees. So at least our efforts did some good. Gods, that was fun! I used to stuff union literature in my knee-highs, which I wore under slacks, then when I visited someone’s office, I pulled up my trouser leg and pulled out the brochure. This sent some into gales of laughter.

    Got to hurry and get out the door. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  17. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 43 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 50. Clouds and showers are in the forecast.

    Headlines claim that Mitch McChinless is blocking the January 6th commission for political gain! ::tips over – can’t believe such a thing could be true::

    Republicans want to cut back on infrastructure plan and use money meant for Child Tax Credits from the ARP to pay for it! ::tips over – can’t believe such a thing could be true::

    I am going to start my holiday weekend early after handling a couple of client issues this morning.

    See all y’all later!

  18. It’s 64 heading for 70 and the sun is shining! We did get a few hours of sunshine yesterday, enough for me to take my walk and for the PV system to generate 11 KWHs. The m-t-d is 326 and we’ve 4 days left in the month. So 400 is possible but very unlikely. I’ll be sort of satisfied if we get the 370 to pass last May’s total.

    Miracle of miracles, I slept 7-1/2 hours straight through last night. I’m sure the sounds of steady rain helped. There’s something about the sound of steady but not pouring rain, rumbling but not cracking thunder – and not being out in it – that tells the body “all’s well, you can sleep”. I’m glad my sinuses cooperated with that. ๐Ÿ˜ It doesn’t make a lot of difference in how much I can do but it certainly does in how well I can do it. And always makes a difference in how I feel.

    No word from or about Jill. Aji hasn’t been able to get the MRI scheduled, is scared and in pain, and focusing mostly on sales to pay for it so she won’t think about the possible results. Karen and Lisa and my DiL all holding on and about the same. And no movement on the GFM for Ranjit’s family. Holding Good Thoughts for all.

    AR is a beautiful state and inexpensive to live in. Mostly. Otherwise I would never recommend anyone move here. I did because of family and plans that never came to fruition. And haven’t left because of family and I can afford to live here. I’ve met some wonderful and very dear people I would not ‘give back’. I’ve also met some true Deplorables but they’re everywhere. Dishearteningly I’ve watched this state go from mostly Dem (if blue dog) to solid red. That I live in a relatively safe blue dot in it is good but not comforting. (Molly Ivins warned America about W and she had a lot bigger platform than I ever will to warn America about Tom Cotton.) And really, there’s way too much of America that’s just like AR, just quieter about it.

    I’ve a few household things to do and twitter chores so I’d best get to them. More coffee first. Bright the day, Meeses. {{{HUGS}}}

    • My daughter is starting to look at job options and there are a few states which have jobs in her field but that she won’t consider – Arkansas is one of them. It is one thing to have a completely Republican state that is Trump+50 but an entirely different thing to have their Leading Light be the deplorable pile of human garbage Tom Cotton as Senator. She is considering western states – Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and might do California (probably too expensive to live there) and possibly the Pacific Northwest, although the idea of no sun for months at a time puts it pretty low on the list. There are no perfect states but their are some that are disqualifying for a female non-Caucasian non-Christian GenZ’er.

      • There are no perfect states but their are some that are disqualifying for a female non-Caucasian non-Christian GenZโ€™er.

        So true, Jan. I hope my darling Miss Pink Cheeks elects to stay here after college. This area is exceptionally multicultural, just like New York City. Also, this is one of the few areas of the country where a non-college graduate can thrive. Jobs are quite easy to get, and they’re reasonably well paid too.

        Some of my young friends started out in DC in group living situations. Maryland is a Democratic state that elects a Rethug governor every once in a while just to be contrary. It has beaches (Ocean City) and mountains (Catoctin, site of Camp David), and a very good Metro system. Your daughter could rent an apartment with a roommate in Silver Spring and take the Metro to work in DC, where the pay is higher.

      • I don’t know about CO or AZ but from what Aji says NM is probably not a good idea for her. CA could be, depending on where she lived, but yeah very expensive.

    • (Molly Ivins warned America about W and she had a lot bigger platform than I ever will to warn America about Tom Cotton.)

      This is definitely not a case of:

      “Wish I was in the land ob cotton
      Old times dar am not forgotten,
      Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land.”

  19. Good morning, 51 and cloudy in Bellingham. Between naps, early to bed and late to wake up it seems like all I do is sleep. Oh well, it’s nice to feel rested. I think I’ll be able to buy a few begonias today and maybe even plant them. If not, I’ll take another nap! Best wishes to all.

  20. Good morning, meeses! Saturday …

    It is 36 degrees in Madison with an expected daytime high of 64. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    I made it through another too-busy work week and can now pace myself for the weekend. I have a few things I need to get done but I essentially have 3 days to finish them since clients won’t be working until Tuesday.

    I hope Nancy Pelosi has the bill to establish the House Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection ready to go. I want the investigation that the Republicans spurned to be started now and run all the way until people vote in the 2022 midterms. It is the least we can do to “reward” their treasonous assholery.

    See all y’all later!

    • Vote their treasonous asses out!!

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