Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: January 21st

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good “morning”, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 44 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 51. Rain off and on all day, at times heavy.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

  2. Sunday Meese. 12 degrees here in Kingston, going up to 26.

    Puerto Rico

    An all-white school board voted Tuesday night to remove LGBTQ and Puerto Rican flags from a teacher’s classroom at Worthington High School, where nearly two-thirds of students are Latino.
    The vote followed months of school board discussion, after a parent complained about a Pride flag in September.
    “I felt stripped of my own identities,” said the teacher, José Morales Collazo, recalling when he first heard about the parent’s complaint.

    • Dee, that’s fabulous about the solar panels for PR!

      That’s un-fabulous about the stupid all-white school board in Minnesota. May the crusty curse of Oliver Cromwell, etc. etc.

  3. Good morning. Last freezing one for a while, I’m going to move my plants back outside this afternoon. Tea is steeping, my apartment smells so good. Tried to walk/run outside yesterday, it was just too cold. Tomorrow, it’s supposed to be raining, glad I have a parking garage at work to walk in. 

  4. Good freezing Sunday morning, Moosekind! The sun is shining from a clear blue winter sky, and the “gutsy” wind is blowing snow off the trees in Ashburn. Would you believe that so far in January we’ve had 10 inches of the white stuff? Yes, it’s difficult.

    Not much to say except that I still miss my friend, I have lots of writing to do, and I refuse to cook any more today. Dearly will just have to go to the Mexican restaurant and get us two Hollenbeck burritos for dinner.

    Yesterday I went to the Drama Club meeting. Full disclosure: I do not like the character of Curly McLain. Self-satisfied little (insert rude word here). I’m wishing we were doing any other musical than “Oklahoma!” I left that Goddess-forsaken place 59 years ago and have no intention of ever setting foot in it again.

    Remember how I told you that Weird Cousin Frances refuses to sign the legal document about my late aunt’s estate? Well, M’Daughter found out where she was living and went to visit her. She said the lady is absolutely off her rocker. WCF also had a very nasty message for me from her spirit guides. It’s a load of old codswallop.

    As my mum used to say, “Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed.”

    It might get up to 40 F. today. Yikes! Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

    • I saw that an Oklahoma legislator introduced a bill declaring that all people of Hispanic descent are to be deemed “terrorists.” I am really not sure how we can move forward as a country when people like that exist and have power.

      • Mah Gawd! Even for Oklahoma, that’s bad. And who, pray, will pick the cotton in Oklahoma? Muck out the cattle barns? Pick whatever vegetables and fruit Oklahoma grows?

        It’ll serve the White racists right if they starve.

  5. It’s 25 heading for 35 and sunny at the moment. Clouds are supposed to move in later – I hope a lot later since they’ll be staying all week. Yesterday we generated 10.2 KWHs and the m-t-d at 97.7 is almost on track for 150. We shall see what today brings.

    Done my Sunday housecleaning chores, with the usual complaints from hands and back, and my 1st ten minutes on the treadmill. Now eating oatmeal and starting my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  6. Good morning, 43 and raining, so nice to see the snow melting away. Ron is going to the grocery store soon but I’m staying put. I don’t feel so restless today and have plenty to do so time to get busy. I’m trying to bury the lingering tRump angst that’s still troubling me but it’s there. How can so many voters support that evil, incoherent, nasty, incompetent, etc person? Oh well, we don’t so may like minded voters vote in sufficient numbers to allow this country to course. Best wishes to all.

    • People who were expecting Nikki Haley to save them with a surprise win in New Hampshire (or South Carolina) will be disappointed. Instead of being horrified that tRump is mockingly calling her by her Indian given name (she goes by her middle name), they love it. :(

  7. Monday Meese. Brrr. 14 degrees here in Kingston, going up to 36. Weather forecast changed again – now we have snow predicted for tomorrow.
    Puerto Rico/USVI

  8. Good morning. It is raining really hard. I walked in the parking garage, and just walked; too many slick spots to do otherwise. In the office, hope I can consume enough caffeine to stay awake. Anyway, happy Monday.

  9. Already 35 heading for and we won’t drop below freezing again until Saturday night. We also won’t get any sun again until Sunday afternoon. Also it’s drizzling “wintry mix”. sigh. Yesterday we managed 4 KWHs and at 101 for the m-t-d we only lost a little ground. We’ll lose more today.

    I need to bake today and forgot to brown the besan yesterday so I’m doing that this morning. Cats decided to have barfing contests this morning so I’m way behind on getting to my boosting. So I’d best get to it. Holding the Good Thoughts for Everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  10. Good Monday morning, Moosekind! It’s our sunniest day of the week, They say, going up to 40 F. from our current 28 F. in Ashburn. It’s bright when the sun shines on the white snow.

    Just had coffee with a lovely couple around the corner about the Biography Book Club. Also am experiencing some difficulty with our Writers’ group to publish the anthology. If we ask Corporate to give us their blessing from a legal standpoint, I can see this project being delayed until 2030, by which time many of us will have popped our clogs.

    Oh, dear. Well, in the meantime I need to go get lunch and do various other little tasks, so I’d best get to it. Wishing a good day to everyone at the Pond!

  11. Good morning, 42 and light rain outside my windows today. The snow is slowly melting, but slow is better for the old drain system around the basement foundation. So far the basement is dry and I hope it stays that way! Just a normal Monday here with desk work and laundry. I do have a new book to read, Fourth Wing, by Rebecca Yarros. My kids are reading the books now and really enjoying then so I’ll join in. Best wishes to all.

  12. Good morning (just barely), meeses! Monday …

    It is 51 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 54. It is expected to rain off an on all day – there were clouds for my early morning view of the mountains and sun for my walk. Two more days of rain are in the forecast.

    Ron DeFascist is done, the last Republican presidential candidate left is Nikki Haley and she is down by double digits in New Hampshire. “They” are saying that New Hampshire is the end, if tRump wins there the primaries are over. It is fitting that two 98% white states that do not reflect America have chosen the nominee for a white supremacist political party. They will lose.

    I need to get my nose back to the grindstone. I have two projects simmering and they need my attention.

    See all y’all later!

  13. Good Tuesday morning Meese. The forecast for today says snow – but it isn’t snowing yet.

    Puerto Rico

    “The Trump administration was a disaster for the Puerto Rican people, plain and simple. From the failed response to Hurricane María to the constant delays in disbursing federal aid to the island, Trump consistently governed in a way that was detrimental and disrespectful to Puerto Ricans. Due to the pressing challenges Puerto Rico faces, we cannot afford a president who is indifferent to the island’s wellbeing,” said Puerto Rican Democratic Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (N.Y.), who led congressional oversight of the Republican administration on Puerto Rican affairs.

  14. Good morning. More rain but thank goodness it’s warmer. Going to try the walk/run thing later, if it stops raining for a bit.

  15. Good Tuesday morning, Meese. Outside my windows the scene is a study of grays and whites—gray sky, gray trees, and white snow, which is beginning to melt. It’s 27 F. in Ashburnikins, going up to the high 30s or even 40 today. By Friday we’re supposed to be up to 67 F.! Mother Nature seems unable to make up her mind. The Wolf Moon will be full tomorrow, but I doubt I’ll be able to see it with all the clouds in the way.

    Yesterday my regular nail place was closed, so I went to the one near the barbershop. There was a banner announcing that it was under new management and that services were 20% off. Hot day-um! I had a long overdue pedicure, during which my feet were rubbed with a cut blood orange (say whut?), touched with hot stones (yikes!), and warmed with heated paraffin. Altogether, with the sea salt scrub and the hot towels, quite enjoyable, and then she painted my toenails blood red, like a vampire’s. Humph!

    Another pleasant experience yesterday was opening the mail to find a settlement check from a class action suit against Apple. Everything takes SO LONG with legal stuff that I had completely forgotten everything about it. At any rate, I shall hasten to deposit it with Navy Fed today.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, some of my writers and I are wrestling with questions of copyright, written releases, publication costs, and so forth, along with the interesting question of whether we can get the head of the Philanthropy Department to pay the cost of publishing our anthology. If she doesn’t want to, and so far it seems she does not want to, we’ll pay for it ourselves and sell enough copies that we can recoup the costs and still have money left over.

    Need to take care of some chores, so will close. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

    P.S. Totally forgot to mention blinking New Hampshire, which is full of weirdos nearly as stubborn as the weirdos in Iowa. We all know who’s going to win, don’t we, although I would laugh for 10 minutes without stopping if Nikki won.

  16. It’s 45 going to 50 and still overcast. Yesterday we got .88 KWHs and the m-t-d at 102.4 is not encouraging.

    Charlie (the cat) is not doing well. Barfing up clear liquid & while he IS eating, he’s not eating much/enough. His vet’s out of town until Saturday. The clinic IS open on weekends. It’s open now but I don’t like the vet who’d be seeing Charlie if I took him in today. And really, I’m fairly sure this may be the last trip. So I’m hoping, well, first hoping Charlie gets better & starts eating again, but if not then that he’s not in pain and can wait until Dr. Wright gets back. Meanwhile, I’m late getting started on my boosting. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  17. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 50 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 52. It is sunny now but it is just a break in the rain which is expected to continue all day today and tomorrow. This break was long enough for my walk which is a good thing. The mountains were covered in clouds this morning so I saw no stars.

    In a shocking move, SCOTUS declared that Texas literally killing migrants at the border was not okay and that the Border Patrol is in charge of the United States border. Mrs. Jesse Barrett probably realized how much the Republican Party’s policies diverged from the policies of her Jesus and could not have her fingerprints on the trigger. It is probably a one off but it is still a win.

    I will ignore the New Hampshire Primary where white people will choose the leader of the party of white supremacy. The silver lining is that when tRump locks down the nomination, the wavering independents and NeverTrump Republicans will realize that the only way to stop tRump is to vote for Biden. They won’t like it but they will.

    I finished delivery of a critical accounting project and will wait to hear if there is any cleanup that needs to be done that will involve me. I am hoping not so that I can take a break for a few days and catch up on my own projects.

    See all y’all later!

  18. Good morning, 46 and raining in my garden today. I have a lot of cleanup to do outdoors but it,s so wet and muddy I think I’ll wait for a dryer day. I have found several well aged projects in my sewing room so if I can find my focus I’ll have a creative day indoors. Best wishes to all.

  19. Wednesday Meese. 34 here in Kingston and the weather forecast says snow or maybe rain or both.

    News out of Puerto Rico pissed me off. Brought back memories of the negative responses years ago on the island to my Afro hairdo.
    Puerto Rico

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Legislators in racially diverse Puerto Rico have opened a public debate on a bill to explicitly prohibit discrimination against hairstyles such as cornrows and Afros, sparking a heated debate.
    Local government officials argue the legislation is unnecessary because federal and local laws already ban such discrimination. But Puerto Rican activists said at a hearing Tuesday that the island’s Afro Caribbean community still faces discrimination and needs explicit protection when it comes to public services, work, education and housing.
    “I’m 23 years old, and I’m tired of this problem,” said Julia Llanos Bultrón, a teacher who wears cornrows. “I’m very disappointed with a system that pushes us to change the hair with which we’re born.”
    Llanos said that a school in the northeast town of Fajardo offered her a job last year on condition that she cut her hair because they didn’t allow locks. She declined.
    Similar incidents were recounted by others who spoke at a crowded public hearing held at San Juan’s seaside Capitol building, noting that the hairstyles in question are culturally important and carry historical significance.
    More than 1.6 million people in the U.S. territory of 3.2 million identify as being of two or more races, while nearly 230,000 identify solely as Black, according to the U.S. Census.

    #PegaosenlaMañana with
    | At public hearings senatorial project that prohibits work and school discrimination due to hairstyles and hair styles #noticias #PuertoRico #informacion #discrimenlaboral #discrimenracial #legislatura #Gobierno

    Photo of Ana Irma Rivera Lassén– bill co-author

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