Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: March 3rd

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.



  1. Good morning, Motley Meese! The week begins …

    Morning low of 44 degrees in the Desert Southwest 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 68. Sunny skies are in the forecast.

    Have a great day, all y’alls!!

    • I apologize to those who were looking for the Welcomings Post bright and early on Sunday morning. I was distracted and missed posting it Saturday evening which is when it usually posts. Everything is in its place now. :)

  2. Sunday Meese. 46 and sunny here in Kingston, going up to 59 – yay!

    Puerto Rico

  3. Good morning. We are having the kind of weather that makes people move here. It only lasts a couple of weeks, but it is awesome while it lasts. Got my tea steeping, bought some cherry-chocolate and it smells wonderful. Today, I’ve got to make next week’s breakfast and pack up lunch.

    • I saw that MVP Kamala Harris will be at the march today commemorating Bloody Sunday:

      Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to be among those marking the 59th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, the day Alabama law officers attacked Civil Rights demonstrators on the iconic Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama.

      The demonstrators were beaten by officers as they tried to march across Alabama on March 7, 1965, in support of voting rights. A march across the bridge, which is a highlight of the commemoration in Selma every year, is planned for Sunday afternoon.

      Sunday’s march is among dozens of events during the annual Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee, which began Thursday and culminates Sunday. The events commemorate Bloody Sunday and the signing of the Voting Rights Act.

      “During her speech, the Vice President will honor the legacy of the civil rights movement, address the ongoing work to achieve justice for all, and encourage Americans to continue the fight for fundamental freedoms that are under attack throughout the country,” the White House said in announcing her visit.

      Harris joined the march in 2022, calling the site hallowed ground and giving a speech calling on Congress to defend democracy by protecting people’s right to vote. On that anniversary, Harris spoke of marchers whose “peaceful protest was met with crushing violence.”

      “They were kneeling when the state troopers charged,” she said then. “They were praying when the billy clubs struck.”

      Images of the violence at the bridge stunned Americans, which helped galvanize support for passing the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The law struck down barriers prohibiting Black people from voting.

      U.S. Rep. James Clyburn, a Democrat of South Carolina who is leading a pilgrimage to Selma, said he is seeking to “remind people that we are celebrating an event that started this country on a better road toward a more perfect union,” but the right to vote is still not guaranteed.

      It is sad that enshrining the right to vote was kicked to the curb in the 117th Congress because there was no courage in the Senate to kill the filibuster. Now we are facing another election with few protections for minority voters and MAGAt states planning to ratfk another election.

      • Thanks Jan – I’m waiting to see if any of the networks carry her speech today

  4. It’s 67 heading for 77 and sunny. Yesterday we generated 15.75 KWHs and the m-t-d at 29.7 is still on track. Early days yet.

    By end of the week there’s supposed to be clouds definitely and rain maybe with temp drops. In fact today’s low is a little higher than next Sunday’s high is supposed to be. But for today and the next few we’ve got early April weather, complete with daffodils, spirea, and Bradford pears. (Other stuff too, that’s just what happens to be in my yard.) Enjoy it while it lasts.

    I’ve finished my Sunday chores, back and hands complaining as usual, and now need to get onto my boosting. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  5. Good Sunday morning, Moosekind! It’s 55 F. in Ashburn. At breakfast time we had a beautiful blue sky, but now the sky is clouding over and it’s going to be ugly. The recent rain amounted to .55 of an inch at Dulles Airport, so that’s good.

    I am still feeling simply dreadful and coughing like mad. Dearly brought me early morning tea and expressed concern about the violence of my coughing. He gave me a Covid test, but it was negative. I thought it would be. I can still taste and smell, although my stomach is too upset for me to eat much. Gods, ranting on about my illness is too boring for words. Apologies to all!

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, and to everyone who is startled that Thing thinks he’s running against Obama.

    • It will never be reported in the deplorable media that tRump is a drooling dotard because that narrative will not result in as many clicks as Joe Biden is Too Old stories. The New York Times, after writing dozens of Biden age stories in every single issue for the past two months, just released a poll that “shows” that people are worried about Biden’s age. Gosh, I wonder why? Yes, Biden is old but he is still competent and he is all we have right now – an open Democratic primary this year would have split the party into pieces and focusing on beating tRump would have been more difficult. Biden can beat TFFG one more time, we can find our candidate of the future for 2028 next year.

  6. Good afternoon, 39 and cloudy outside my windows today. RonK is making progress with cleaning up the frozen ivy plants and leaves but sadly I remain grounded until whatever is keeping me from standing and walking without extreme pain eases. I don’t like it but it’s clear that for now I need to shift my garden thoughts to maintenance only for most of it and just focus on the back entry and patio areas for creative planting. And that needs to be more simple as well. I’ve been planning my tasks for this month for over a year and it’s hard to change course but reality means a change of plans so that’s what I’ll do, like it or not. Best wishes to all.

    • That’s so hard, princesspat, to be prevented from doing what you’ve planned and longed for. Let’s hope your legs heal to the point where you can do some of it.

  7. Monday Meese. 40 and cloudy here in Kingston, going up to 58.
    Thinking about Bloody Sunday and the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Glad VP Harris spoke there.

    Puerto Rico

    There is spirit to transform governance in Puerto Rico. Help us carry the message. Make a donation today at http://patrianuevapr.com #LaAlianzaVa #PatriaNueva

  8. Good morning. Did my run/walk yesterday so just a walk this morning. In the office, cooling off — it’s 67 degrees already. I really dread the summer.

  9. Good morning, meeses! Monday …

    It is 44 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 66. Sunny skies are in the forecast. The moon was casting a glow on my patio, she is about 40% illumination and waning. I had not seen her for a while, she was out of my sight – I should see her daily until the new moon unless the clouds stop me. It looks like we will have clouds mid-week and temperatures will drop a bit – we may get rain. The desert plants are blooming and I will need to schedule a trip up to the Sonoran Desert Museum soon.

    Nikki-mentum! Slavery denier Haley wins the vote of Republicans who live in the District of Columbia, a city built by “people working without pay but learning a valuable skill that will help them in the future.” It will be interesting to see if she can win a Super Tuesday contest and if she decides to fold if she does not. Since she is the last person standing and will be blackballed by the MAGAt party in any event, if she has the money, she should stay in. I am wondering what would happen if TFFG called her the B word in a rally speech, would people cheer or be aghast? I think cheer. I can’t believe that most Americans think that the tRump economy was better than today’s economy! Maybe House Democrats did too good of a job shielding many Americans from the ravages of a shuttered economy in 2020 that they long for the “good old days” when a deadly pandemic was working to kill over a million Americans and forever change the economic landscape. The problem with America is that there are too many willfully ignorant people.

    I have done some serious reorganization of my to-do stack to allow me to hit the ground running on March projects. NOW, I just need to do them.

    See all y’all later!

  10. It’s 66 heading for 76 and cloudy at the moment. It’s supposed to be partly cloudy today but it seems to have forgotten the partly part. Yesterday we generated 15.4 KWHs and at 44.75 for the m-t-d we’re still on track. We’ll see how long that lasts.

    It was warm enough to open windows when I got up. Just barely but still. It’s definitely cool enough to have the oven on though which is good. I’ve got gingerbread baking at the moment. It’s a cooking week. Gingerbread today. Mix, shape, and grill breakfast sausages tomorrow. Then either plain soda bread or else cheese bread Wednesday or Thursday. I don’t think I’ll need to bake another pork roast until next week. We shall see.

    Had a nice visit with my son yesterday afternoon. What makes Sunday different from other days of the week – I houseclean in the morning and visit with my son in the afternoon. Otherwise it’s just another day of boosting. Which I’d best get to. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  11. Good Monday morning, Moosekind! Partly cloudy with blue-and-white skies and pale sunshine here, 55 F. now, about 60+ later in Ashburn. I have to be standing outside the door at 10 a.m., waiting for a driver to pick me up to convey me to an obscure location.

    Had a horrible night, my coughing kept me awake most of the time. Dearly even heard me hacking away. The doctor appointment this morning is with the gastro. I won’t even get to see the woman who did the operation, just a nurse-practitioner. I will wear a mask, of course, and I didn’t put any makeup on. If I look rill ugly, they might feel sorry for me. (There’s a very childish side to yrs truly.)

    Have already weaseled my way out of rehearsal tonight. I’m being kind, really. Who wants to watch someone doing her “productive coughing” into a tissue and then disposing of it in a little portable wastebasket she’s carrying with her?

    The good part: I feel dodgy most of the time, so I’m not eating as much as usual. I’ve lost a pound and a half.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond, but not a good day to the pack of howling hyenas that constitutes our media. Blesse be, Moosekind.

  12. Good Super Tuesday morning Meese. 45 and raining here in Kingston – going up to 46.

    Puerto Rico

    We are Heading by Design to a Puerto Rico Without Puerto Ricans. The PNP PPD have been plundering the pockets of Puerto Ricans for more than 60 years, stealing freely without consequences for everyone. Vote differently!

  13. Good morning, meeses! Tuesday …

    It is 44 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 72. Sunny skies this morning, possible clouds this afternoon. The waning moon was visible in the southeastern sky this morning and I could hear the owls!

    There were several kinds of headlines about the SCROTUS ruling, one that tRump won everything and that the insurrectionist clause in the 14th Amendment is rendered null and void, another was that tRump won a resounding victory by a unanimous court vindicating him completely. The headline that is the most accurate is “Supreme Court rules that states can’t take Trump off ballot” which actually makes sense. If tRump had been found guilty of insurrection in a federal court, and SCROTUS still said he can run, that would be one thing but Colorado and other states based their decision on the work of the January 6th Commission. We would never want our candidates removed by MAGAt states over a House investigation – for example the “investigation” that Joe Biden committed high crimes by “opening up the southern border.” If tRump is found guilty in the January 6th trial, then SCROTUS will have a dilemma. However, because Merrick Garland fumbled the football and delayed the investigation into tRump’s role in January 6th, we will not get a trial this year and have to hope and pray that he does not return to power. The best we could do is hope that a conviction would stop him for any 2028 run he might ponder.

    I have spent more time than I wanted to thinking about the orange seeping pustule and now I need to go find something to read to cleanse my brain. I really need to avoid the news as it is disturbing my sleep and my waking hours. :(

    I got up early to deal with a client issue and got a nice head start on the day. I still have a couple of things to do before I can call it a day.

    See all y’all later!

  14. Good morning. Love my wfh days. Exercising in the gym this afternoon, because our high will be 90. March 5 and we’re going to hit 90. Anyway, I slept in, astronomy will be on soon. It’s primary day, but there’s no candidate I’m passionate about. There’s a stealth Republican in the District Attorney race but I’m sure he’ll lose.

  15. It’s 61 heading for 70 and overcast. Supposed to clear off this afternoon and I certainly hope it does. Yesterday we generated 12.45 KWHs and the m-t-d is 57 and still on track for the higher goal.

    Election day. That used to be exciting. Now it’s just another duty that must be done. I am about 99% sure I’ll be the only person masked at the polls. Need to make/grill breakfast sausages today. It’s a very simple recipe & procedure but it’s sure messy to clean up. I’ll do it later when my hands have warmed up a bit. For now it’s off to boosting and doing that duty. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

    • If any of the people on your boosting list are in the Austin area, there’s an opening in my office that’s basically customer service work. You have to be able to talk on the phone for 8 hours, it’s 8-5 no flexing – but after 6 months you do get 2 wfh days. There’s also a librarian position for someone with a MLIS, and a PR/outreach/digital literacy position. State employee pay isn’t great but it’s not zero, and the health insurance sucks less than being uninsured. It isn’t worth moving for, but if they already live here, it’s an okay job.

  16. Good afternoon, 39, snow showers, frosty roofs and now light clouds with a bit of blue. The weather show outside my windows has been entertaining me today. Last night I managed to wedge my legs into a position that eased the constant throbbing so I slept better. Sure hope this bit pf progress continues and that this round of misery is an arthritis flare and not a new way of being.

    I’ve been avoiding reading the news but I have been listening to several interesting pod casts. I do pick ones with a more positive outlook re Ukraine, the courts, the Dems and President Biden but it helps me feel less gloomy……and I can play solitaire while listening :) Best wishes to all.

  17. Good morning. My guy didn’t win in the Senate primary but I knew he wouldn’t. I don’t dislike Allred, I just think Gutierrez would have been a better candidate. But the stealth Republican lost decisively in the DA race, and the terrible liar who got herself elected judge last round only got 14% in her primary. Meanwhile, I’m waiting for astronomy to start. I don’t have a lot of work today so I will log off early and see how much it will cost to get someone to pick me up from my colonoscopy and make that arrangement.

    • I think we are going to have to not fall in love with candidates but carefully choose those that can win. Everything I read about Allred is that he won’t scare away the independents and may give them a safe place to vote NOT FREAKING CRUZ.

      In Arizona, faux Democrat “former” Green Party Kyrsten Sinema decided not to run when she realized that she was not going to win as Republican Lite and had ticked off the Democrats so much that she was polling 10% with them. Our candidate will likely be Ruben Gallego and we have to hope that Arizona independents are not scared away by his definitely leftier-than-many politics. He will be a good senator and certainly better than Kari Lake. Now that Sinema has bowed out, we can get some good polling. Arizona Republicans have still not forgiven Lake for her comments about John McCain and her attempts to scrub the stupid from her web site is going to fail – her stupid can’t be scrubbed from voters brains.

    • {{{anotherdemocrat}}} Healing Energy re: the colonoscopy. Moar {{{HUGS}}}

  18. Good Wednesday morning, Moosekind! It’s very misty this March morning, with 51 F. in Ashburn. It’ll go up to 57 F. and we’ll get steady rain this afternoon, or so they say..

    Yesterday we rose and dressed early so we could vote early. The married couple we had dinner with on Sunday night were working the polls, as usual. It’s a really long day. They’re so funny to have dinner with: they bring a capacious bag from which they produce a bottle of wine (cheaper than getting it from the bar). They kindly offer us some, but we always smilingly refuse. Then, after the food arrives, they glance shiftily around the room as they produce little plastic containers with lids, into which they shove soup, salad, and various other food items to take home with them. This keeps her from ever having to cook lunch.

    We get 20 meals a month and we’re going to end up losing a few this month. My illness has prevented my wanting to go and pick up takeaway, and I haven’t felt like cooking. That’s why after we voted, we got on the shuttle and visited the only restaurant here that’s open for breakfast. Bfitz, I too was the only voter wearing a mask, in the voting place and in the restaurant. Had to remove it to eat, of course.

    Dearly has a doctor’s appointment today, late, which means he’ll be driving home through evening rush hour in the rain. So inconsiderate of Kaiser to give him late appointments like that.

    Before I conclude (it’s all too obvious I have nothing interesting to say), I just want to remark that I am SICK of Thing getting ALL the attention! Blast it, Biden did much better than he did on Super Tuesday but THING is all they talk about. I can’t stand to look at that orange face or hear that whiny voice. OMG, if only he would disappear!

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond and especially to princesspat’s legs and bfitz’s hands. Ainsi-soit-il.

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