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It Takes a Village


Morning meese… What a week…Irma royally fucked up this week. From worrying I was going to end up like Dorothy spinning around in the air and see Fuckin Bernie on his bicycle to having to […]

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It Takes a Village


Morning meese!         Well, I guess we’ll find out come Monday if I will still be around or if my MH blows away which will mean I will be living on the […]

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It Takes a Village


Morning Meese… With all this talk about healthcare I thought I’d delve into it a little.. Single payer.. There are a few ways that single-payer can work, but at its core it is the government […]

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It Takes a Village


A moment we can remember and be proud of.     Morning meese..Too all family and friends we have on the Texas gulf coast, find adequate shelter and be safe. #Harvey has now intensified, as […]

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It Takes a Village


  “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis” Read this thread and have to agree with his assessment. With all the turmoil […]

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It Takes a Village


Morning meese…another day, much more assholery we’ve had to pushback against. Having to sift through and take offense with Trump and his colony of racist, misogynistic bigots every single day is bad enough and something […]

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It Takes a Village


Morning meese…This tweet I posted on Wednesday says all that needs to be said about the Conservatives and their vehicle, the Republicans. 1. Trump's turning on LGBTQ suggests a backroom deal whereby he gives the […]

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It Takes a Village


Morning meese…Been quite the week, with Trump and his cabal of criminals acting like they haven’t done anything wrong to Bernie still playing his worthless games. It seems Robert Mueller and his team have their […]

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It Takes a Village


      Morning meese…Gonna be a quicky today… This woman is a damn fool..Give Trump a reason to get worse on immigration or to instill Martial Law and he’ll jump at the chance. Muslim […]