Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: March 3rd

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.



  1. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 50 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 70. It is cloudy now and will be mostly cloudy with a chance for rain this afternoon. My waning crescent moon was covered with thin clouds but I could still see her light.

    I am not going to look at the news at all, life is too short. I already have anxiety about the 2024 election and the dread I felt every single day from November 9, 2016 until January 21, 2021 is returning and it only gets worse from reading the news.

    I have a lot of irons in the fire this morning and need to get back to tending them.

    See all y’all later!

  2. It’s 48 heading for 71 and overcast. It’s supposed to clear off soon and I hope it does. 5 of the next 10 days are supposed to be socked in (and maybe actual rain). Yesterday we generated 13.77 KWHs and the m-t-d at 70.95 is still on track for over 400.

    I was the only person masked at the polls, as I figured. My guy lost the AR SCOTUS Chief Justice race and the other AR SCOTUS race is too close to call w/ 4 candidates fairly evening spread – everybody got over 20%, nobody got over 30%. The millage tax vote is kind of immaterial. The millage didn’t change so if it wins, OK. But if it loses the millage remains at the existing level which is the same as the proposed millage. The rest on my Dem Primary ballot were either running unopposed or were a foregone conclusion (like the top of the ticket).

    Nothing new I can think of. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  3. Good Thursday morning Meese. 45, raining going up to 51 here in Kingston.

    Puerto Rico
    My favored candidate running for resident commissioner was “overlooked” (left out) of polling in PRs main newspaper:

  4. Good morning. Another warm one — 67 degrees already. And there’s something wrong with the a/c in the office, that’s just great. It’s bad enough that there are signs by the light switches saying not to turn on the overhead lights. Made it to 3 rounds of 5 minutes run, 2 walk. 5 minutes is just so very long. Anyway, in the office today. Ugh.

  5. Good morning, meeses! Thursday …

    It is 42 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 59. Skies are clear now but we are expecting afternoon showers. I could not see the moon (she is not up yet) but I saw stars and heard owls. I should see her before the sun comes up: moonrise is 5:07am, sunrise 6:46am, it takes about 40 minutes for her to clear the mountains.

    I am ignoring all political news and planning to immerse myself in March madness. I am rooting for two women’s basketball teams this year, Wisconsin and Arizona, and hate-watching a few others. I won’t be able to watch Arizona unless they get into the NCAA tournament because of the soon-to-be-defunct-good-riddance Pac12 media options but I can watch Wisconsin and hate-watch a lot of teams on ESPN channels. The newly reconstituted Women’s National Soccer Team is also playing in the run up to the Olympics. After last year’s debacle in the World Cup, they fired their bad coach, put in place a really good interim coach and have a new coach hired to begin June 1st. They have a number of talented new players, one is a 19 year old forward, Jaedyn Shaw, who has scored in each of the games she has started and leads the team in goals for the Concacaf Gold Cup tournament. In an exciting match played on a soggy field in San Diego last night, the USA team advanced to the finals and will take on their nemesis Brazil on Sunday. My Wisconsin Badger Women’s Hockey team is playing in the WCHA tournament which will set seeding for the NCAA tournament and, we hope, another trip to the Frozen Four. It is a good time to be a sports fan.

    I have a project that I have been putting off for a few months that I really really have to get done this week. With a lot of little projects done and set, I need to dig in and finish it.

    See all y’all later!

    • This is a fanatic women’s basketball household (Nadhiyr played college ball – but is disinterested in the men’s – he says women play a much better game) Only problem is we root for different teams. He’s a UConn fan and I’m a Gamecocks fan. Right now since my team is #1 in the nation he’s eating crow :)

      • None of the teams I was rooting for advanced in their conference championship tournaments so I will have to wait to pick someone to root for in the NCAA tournament. I will try to find a scrappy underdog who is overperforming.

  6. It’s 60 heading for 64, overcast and drizzly. Yesterday we generated 12.8 KWHs and the m-t-d at 83.75, though losing ground, is still on track for over 400 for the month. We’ll see how much more ground we lose today.

    Rocky sleep last night. A minor sinusitis flare wasn’t much of an issue but the muscle spasm in my left foot was. I finally had to get up and walk it out. Even then I had trouble getting back to sleep because my feet were cold. Sigh. Not exactly a first world problem but nothing compared to being homeless or starving. Or being homeless and starving – and bombed.

    Off to start my boosting day. Healing Energy to everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  7. Good Thursday moaning, Meese! What are we moaning about today? After all, we did have a nice bit of rain during the night, according to Dearly Beloved. He’s not deaf as a post, so he can hear the rain falling when he’s drifting off to sleep. I miss the sound of night rain. It’s 54 F. and cloudy in Ash-no-longer-burned, going up to 65 F. later today.

    Today I’m moaning because of a powerful ITCH. It’s driving me insane. I Duck-Ducked it and it said one of the symptoms of eczema is itching, and that it can be caused by stress. If the day comes when I look forward to rehearsal instead of dreading it, conceivably the itching will stop.

    Thank Goddess I listened to our BlogGoddess Jan, re getting our taxes done before the Shutdown. The refund plopped into our joint bank account this morning. Priority 1 will be depositing my half in my bank account. Now I can throw all the “ask” envelopes into the trash. Having worked for an ad agency, I know that the monthly “ask” solicitations are run by algorithms or whatever, and simply writing them to the effect, “Dear Charity, you get a contribution when I get my tax refund and that’s early in the year, so STOP with the monthly begging.”

    What else…Daughter and Elder Son asked what I want for my birthday. I told them contributions to World Central Kitchen or Doctors Without Borders would be wonderful. I wish Jose would get a Nobel Prize, but I doubt those grim-faced humorless Swedes will do it.

    Goobernator Dumbkin put his doughy face and fake smile on the televicious yesterday and endorsed Defeated Former Guy. Some guy named…oh, gosh, I can’t remember…nailed it with the reason DFG appeals to his base. He hates everything they hate. The base can’t stand it that the world is changing, that women don’t have to be preggers when they don’t want to be (at least, that used to be the case), that Black people are no longer segregated (well, at least not politically), that LGBTs don’t have to hide in closets, and so on. They used to feel like kings but they no longer do. Some cat down South wants to take away the VOTE from women! He’s a Rethug, of course. We’ll see whether he gets elected gubernator in November.

    That’s enough from me, lovely meese. Hope everyone will have a good day. I don’t follow basketbore but I just unearthed a cache of Kindle books that I KNOW contain impeccable grammar and spelling, because I read them all years ago, so I shall be comforted. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

    • The IRS is very efficient this year! One reason that Republicans want to defund it is that they have compiled and are in the process of working through a list of people who made more than a million dollars and have not filed taxes for years. There are billions of dollars of unpaid taxes sitting there waiting to fund education and housing and infrastructure and shoring up the frayed social safety net. Republicans are the party of tax cuts and tax cheats. Bastids.

  8. Good morning, 30 and mostly sunny outside my windows today. My PT had an opening yesterday so I was able to see him. I tend to overdo the exercises so it’s good to have his guidance. Learning to isolate and gently use specific muscle groups is not easy but it is helping. I can sit and sleep more comfortably now but standing and walking is still very difficult.
    RonK is cleaning up the winter damaged ivy plantings and Bri will be here next week to do the pruning I was going to be doing now so the garden work is getting done. In a week or so I may be able to do more but for now I need to be content to just talk and watch. Best wishes to all.

    • I am glad to hear that the PT was available and is able to help you navigate this. Sleeping comfortably is vital to healing and general well being – I hope it “sticks” and that he can find some exercises to improve standing and walking.

  9. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 42 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 61. Cloudy this morning with the sun appearing in the afternoon. Yesterday the high did not get above 54 and we had quite a bit of rain – with thunder! – during the afternoon and evening. The weekend looks to be good weather and maybe I can get a hike in.

    I did not watch the SOTU and will scan the headlines quickly and then go back to work. When I saw that former Congressman George Santos would be in the audience, that was all I needed to know that it would be ugly and chaotic. THAT is an example of what is wrong with Congress – a soon-to-be-convicted felon booted out of Congress, a man who trashed the institution has a permanent invitation to visit. That comity and courtesy is extended to literal garbage people, like Santos, like tRump, like Tuberville is gross. All they really deserve is a everlasting scorn.

    I have a fasting blood test (for a routine physical) this morning and I had hoped to sleep longer to minimize the time from waking to being able to eat but my body wakes me up early and that is that. If I wanted to wait two weeks, I might have been able to get in an hour earlier but I want to get it over with.

    Yesterday morning I saw the waning crescent floating above the clouds and took a photo of it just out of habit. My moon photos usually don’t turn out well because my camera phone doesn’t have fancy adjustments for light. This photo, however, to my delight had just enough light from the dawn that the light from the moon did not turn into a smear. I will upload it to my blog and post it here as well.

    See all y’all later!

      • Ooh, that’s nice, Jan! Glad the photo worked out. We’re getting more rain tomorrow, but I won’t complain.

        The full moon in March is called the Worm Moon because that’s when all the squirmy wormies come wriggling out. The Earth has warmed sufficiently for them to enjoy being out.

        • I hope it brings out the little lizards, as well! I have not seen them yet – last year they appeared on February 5th. I am hoping that the landscapers did not poison them as they lay dormant. That would make me very sad.

  10. Good Friday Meese. 32 going up to 52 here in Kingston. POTUS SOTU was a home run! Yay!
    Happy International Women’s Day!

    Puerto Rico
    “They demand that the Government take concrete actions against sexist violence in Puerto Rico”

    “International Day of Working Women: today’s events | https://tinyurl.com/fzv7trrv Marches, strikes, a human bond, massive concentrations, forums and panels will be held today in San Juan, Ponce, Cayey, Adjuntas and Vieques. #8M #8demarzo”

  11. Good morning. Biden’s speech last night was awesome. I didn’t listen to the response, but from what I see on twitter, it was Bobby Jindal-level bad. Did my walk, it’s 67 degrees at 6am, and the a/c in my building is still not working. I have my cooling kerchief from my walk, will be using it this afternoon, inside.

    • Commentators said it made Bobby Jindal’s look statesmanlike. No shock that Republicans would put a woman in a kitchen!

  12. It’s 54 heading for 65 and overcast today. We’ve had some rain and we’re supposed to get more. Yesterday we generated 5.4 KWHs and the m-t-d at 89 is no longer on track for 400. Sigh. Oh well. There’s a lot of March left.

    It’s a very groggy day. It was hard to get up at all and I’m most certainly not firing on all cylinders. I didn’t listen to the SOTU but I expect I’ll find out more than I care to about it when I get over to the other platforms for my boosting. Which considering how groggy I am and how much difficulty my stiff hands are having typing I’d best get to. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  13. Good Friday morning, Moosekind! I’m feeling cock-a-hoop this morning! That speech! He called out the Supremes. He quoted his predecessor’s statement to Putie, “Do whatever the hell you want.” He was on FIRE and the Rethugs looked sick. MTG was her usual streetwalker-manque self. MVP Harris gave Mikey, sitting next to her, the coldest of all shoulders. When he finally stood up in approval of something POTUS said, she rolled her eyes so hard she probably sprained them. It was well worth staying up for. Goodness, Janet Yellen looked like a midget among all those tall, milk-fed men! I was glad to have visual proof that even short women can have influence on the world stage.

    Way-ull, as my late aunt would say, I unearthed a huge jar of some kind of weird cream recommended by my dermatologist years ago. I’m applying it twice a day and it does help the awful stress-caused itch. Also, Goddess must be looking out for me because the dermatologist’s office rang and said it was time for my follow-up appointment. It’s going to be Monday.

    In other good news, the sun is turning the misty gray woods into gold. The birch trees still look like men in long overcoats bursting out of them to show their white longjohns. And my cold is largely gone!

    Dearly brought me early morning tea, so my day has begun well. I sent him gratitude and love and healing white light to everyone I could think of. I know several people who are battling “The Cance,” as my late mother’s ex-neighbor called it. She never lost her heavy Italian accent. I’m going to send her flowers on Mother’s Day, she was 101 in January.

    Time to get ready to go to Trader Joe’s. Hope everyone at the Pond will have a wonderful day! Oh, and as Denise reminded us, today is International Women’s Day! How do we become international women? Well, I did my best, I married an Englishman and two of my beloved grandchildren are half-Chinese, so evidently I qualify. Ainsi-soit-il.

  14. Good morning, 40 and raining in Bellingham today. I’m restless but my legs are improving so I need to stay quiet. The garden shops are tempting me, but I’m only buying a few flowers for the porches just to enjoy while I’m sitting there. No digging in the dirt for me yet! Best wishes to all.

  15. Saturday Meese. Just took a look at the weather – this does not look good!

    I wanted to be out prepping my garden today. Sigh.

    Puerto Rico saw large demonstrations yesterday re femicide and violence against women

    We are already about to get on the Express even though the PR Police want to prevent us from doing so. WHERE WERE THEY WHEN THEY KILLED US?

  16. Good morning, meeses! Saturday …

    It is 42 degrees in Tucson 🌵 with an expected daytime high of 68. Sunny skies are in the forecast. I can see the stars over my mountains with a few puffy clouds around them. I am not sure if I will see my moon this morning – moonrise is after sunrise and she will be very very thin, less than 1% illumination. I will still look for her.

    I was pleased to see (most of the) headlines about the SOTU and glad to see Speaker-in-waiting Jeffries fire back at the Republican members who tried to trash the speech and then complained about the political tone of the speech afterwards. I want to see more pairings of the word “feisty” with the names of our elected leaders. Fk comity, politics is life or death in the age of MAGAtism. As long as it is a movement that has one of our major political parties enthrall, we can’t give them any quarter.

    I will let most of the news go unread as I pick and choose what I want to read. I can’t completely disconnect from the news but I am choosing to ignore the negativity. I was sad to hear that none of our Arizona electeds met with MVP Kamala Harris when she was here yesterday. I hope it was just because it was a spur of the moment trip and not that they are backing away from the administration. I think Arizona can go blue again in 2024 – the same things that pushed Arizonans to vote for Biden over tRrump are in play and we are much bluer than we were in 2020. Fingers crossed!

    I had a very non-productive day yesterday as a morning fast throws my whole day off and I was grumpy and out of sorts. I have a bunch of “quiet of the morning” things to do and best get to them.

    Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead tonight! I will go to bed in Mountain Standard Time and wake up in Mountain Standard Time but it will look to everyone else like I am in Pacific Daylight Time, princesspat’s time zone. The challenge of being two hours behind my Central Time clients will begin.

    See all y’all later!

  17. Good morning. Wow, it’s cold. 46 might not be cold where you are, but yesterday at this time, it was in the upper 60s. Today: groceries, cooking, and one more attempt at 4 rounds on my running plan.

    • I was sitting here yesterday thinking how cold it was (it was 50 at the time) and realized that the word “cold” is relative. Body slamming cold, like I experienced for most of my life and certainly for the 46 winters that I lived in Wisconsin, is different from the cold I feel when it is in the 40s and 50s. This cold requires a sweatshirt or light jacket but I have rarely had to put on my heavy winter coat, have only a few times had to put on gloves, and almost never had to put on my winter hat since I moved here. The tradeoff is the hot summers but those feel more manageable. Being semi-retired, I can choose to stay inside and in my air conditioned vehicle to run errands. You can plan around the hottest parts of the day.

  18. Good Saturday morning, Meese. It’s 44 F., raining steadily in a most satisfactory manner, and will not get much warmer today. Thanks for this blessed breather from the busy-ness of the week, Goddess!

    Dearly brought me EMT, so while I drank it I sent healing white light to all the ill people I know. He’s planned a day of watching Formula I, various British football games, and the DVD we’re going to watch this evening. It’s called “The White Queen,” about Elizabeth. I forget which Elizabeth this was, but I’ll find out.

    Yesterday rehearsal lasted three hours. We went through the whole of Act I. Most of the cast came in costume so the costume ladies could judge how they fitted and where alterations are necessary. The actor who plays Will, who is always asking my UU colleague whether there’s going to be another Summer Solstice ritual, asked me, “How are you finding your experience as Assistant Director?” “I feel overwhelmed and clueless,” I replied. He looked surprised but then said, “Well, if it’s any comfort, you look like you know what you’re doing!”

    That was such a nice thing to say. And by the way, something happened last night, a big change in my b*tchy attitude. I’ve long acknowledged that a lot of people (some of whom are not in the best of health) are working very hard to make this happen. When I saw the men in their cowboy and farmer clothes, and the women in their print dresses and straw hats, and realized how much everyone wants this to succeed, I had a change of heart. For the first time, I felt I was part of the production, as if I might be useful to them.

    Well, well, this is all personal, so I’ll shut up now. I have a big day planned of reading the essays my writers have written, changing the sheets on the bed, and finishing the laundry. I’m also planning to stay up so I can watch the “cold open” of Saturday night live.

    Wishing everyone at the Pond a pleasant Saturday! Blessed be.

  19. It’s 40 heading for 54 and mostly sunny today. Yesterday we generated 6.9 KWHs and the m-t-d at 96.59 lost more ground. Some of which I hope we’ll gain back today.

    Aji’s doing a once-in-a-lifetime this-weekend-only 25% off all of Wings’s existing work so if anybody is looking for Native jewelry of silver & stone now’s a good time to get it.
    I couldn’t get to sleep until after 1 but at least I slept until 8 and I don’t feel as groggy as yesterday. Or even as expected, having “slept in”. But having slept in, I’m running late for my boosting. Although I’ll probably be later tomorrow – between Sunday chores & moving from Goddess Time to Gummit Time. Sigh. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

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