

  Everyone says I look like my father. Well, everyone “below stairs,” as it were, and even then they speak of it only in whispers. As for guests, the naked shock on their faces as […]

Feminism and Womanism

The Goddess, Laughing

  The Goddess, Laughing   “It’s a boy!” shouted Govind Chiderambam. “My first-born is a boy! Let the celebrations begin! All of New Delhi shall rejoice!” “It’s a boy!” Li Hao bowed before the cradle […]

Featured Posts

Ghost Bark

    (Excerpt from Rowena Wentworth’s journal) 16 October 2023   I heard it again this morning. It was a bark, just a single bark, but it woke me up from a night’s sleep. I […]



  At first I wanted nothing to do with her. Oh, I could see she was appealing, no question about it. From her green eyes to her gray-striped fur to her neat little feet, she […]