Week-long Welcomings from Moosylvania: November 12th

Welcome to The Moose Pond! The Welcomings posts give the Moose, old and new, a place to visit and share words about the weather, life, the world at large and the small parts of Moosylvania that we each inhabit.

Welcomings will be posted at the start of each week (usually Saturday night with a Sunday date). To find the posts, just bookmark this link and Voila! (which is Moose for “I found everyone!!”).

The format is simple: each day, the first moose to arrive on-line will post a comment welcoming the new day and complaining (or bragging!) about their weather. Or mentioning an interesting or thought provoking news item. Or simply checking in.

So … what’s going on in your part of Moosylvania?

NOTE: The comments page will split off after 20 or so left margin comments with the most recent comments on the current page. To see the older comments, scroll to the bottom of the page (right before “Leave A Reply”) and use the Pages Tool to view previous pages, shown here with 3 pages of comments available and Page 2 circled.


  1. Good morning, meeses! Wednesday …

    It is 59 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 81 degrees. Partly cloudy skies with a 20% chance of rain. The weather guys say that the rain will likely stay north of us. I was able to see my stars this morning so it is not cloudy over the mountains.

    Mike and his holy johnson got a Continuing Resolution passed to keep the government open. It passed with nearly half of his caucus voting against it. Apparently this will not cause him to lose his job but the Freedom Caca is reported to be very upset because they feel that they were elected to destroy the government not fund it! One article I read said that the Republican Caca is even more fragmented than it was before because the Biden-district Republicans have proclaimed that they won’t vote for garbage bills that their constituents will hate just to give the MAGAts fundraising email talking points. There is only one governing coalition and it requires cutting deals with Democrats. But at least the government will stay open until mid-January at which time the drama begins anew.

    The Supreme Court issued an “ethics” code putting in writing what the guidelines are for reporting grift. No way to monitor, no way to enforce. Well, at least they acknowledged that they are indeed ethically challenged – small steps.

    Busy morning here as usual but I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I have a handful of cleanup projects then I can start planning to take advantage of living where there is no snow and no subzero temperatures. I am now taking two walks a day and I am hoping to start taking morning bike rides soon.

    See all y’all later!

  2. Good morning. Slept in, going to walk mid-morning today. I have a Democratic club meeting tonight, should be good. Otherwise, just getting ready for the workday.

  3. Good (yawning) Wednesday morrr-ning, Moosekind! It’s partly cloudy, with veils of white hiding much of the blue and the sunlight is dimmed. We’ll get clouds tonight, but as usual, no rain. Right now in Sahara-Ashburn it’s 34 F., going up to 61 F.

    Dearly woke me at 4:30 a.m. by prowling through the bedroom with a flashlight. He was looking for his SSN #. I’ve memorized it, so it’s too bad he didn’t ask. I feel really sleepy. This morning I have a Building Coffee Klatch at 10 a.m. and a doctor’s appt at 11 for a wellness check.

    The cast party was yesterday. It was okay, not great. If it ever falls to my lot to organize it, I want everyone to wear masks (not the Covid kind, the masquerade kind), and eat roasted broccoli instead of all that pastrami and salami.

    Wrote a new play yesterday. It’s 10 minutes long and quite ridiculous. We may perform it at the Drama Club meeting on Saturday.

    Exercise has gone by the wayside for me, and I’m tired of it. I’m going to cut back on my activities so at 4 p.m. every day I’ll have time to go to the gym and work out. Lifting weights bores me to the point of howling madness, so I’ll do treadmill and rowing. When even my t-shirts are too tight…things are bad. Yesterday I wore my new t-shirt to the party. It reads: “Of course I’m right, I have a British accent.” I don’t, by the way. Dearly bought it for me.

    Today is payday—yay! It is for our bfitz as well. Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  4. It’s 42 heading for 72 and one more day of sunny – so far anyway. Yesterday we generated just at 6 KWHs and the m-t-d at 84.8 is still on track for 180.

    Fineena is still in a lot of pain and still carrying about 20 lbs of water weight in her left leg. Visiting nurse is supposed to be there today to wrap it. The Lasix the doctor gave her to try and pull that water out is aggravating her UT issues. The pain is also aggravating her Depression – and making her miss her dogs more. Hoping the doctor finds what’s wrong and addresses it soon. She can’t do her own errands right now & as much as she emotionally needs a dog, she’s well aware that she can’t take care of one right now.

    I guess I’d best get started on my boosting chores. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  5. Thursday Meese. Had my last brain radiation treatment yesterday. Doc said I no longer have nodes in the brain. Yay! Will start lung treatment the week after Thanksgiving.

    Puerto Rico

    Vieques – good news

    • Sis, hurray for having part of the treatment done! Give yourself something you enjoy today.

      Interesting about the protests spreading from San Juan to the rest of the island.

      At last–Vieques may be getting a hospital! Hurray!

    • {{{Dee}}} Thanking All That’s Holy there’re no more nodes in your brain. That was the one I was truly worried about. A wonderful “thanksgiving present”. More Healing Energy for getting rid of the ones in your lungs. moar {{{HUGS}}}

  6. Good morning. Good walk though it’s foggy. Glad to be downtown where I have a well-lit parking garage to walk in. Last night’s club meeting was nice. Got to just chat with our D.A. like a regular person. They have several programs they’re working on to prevent gun violence, despite the legislature trying to have more guns, everywhere.

  7. Good Thursday morning, Meese. Another beautiful if bone-dry day in Ashburnikins.It’s 38 F. right now, might get as high as 70 F. The rain They imagined for tomorrow, then tomorrow night, has now dissipated into their imaginations. Now they’re imagining an entire inch of rain on Tuesday. Will believe it when I see it, thanks.

    Got to quickly do some work today, then meet Darling Niece for lunch. It’s been a while. I am annoyed that no one has seen fit to respond to my email about rehearsals for the new reader play.

    Saw my doctor yesterday. She’s very nice, thinks I’m doing great, and pretends to refuse to believe my age.

    In other riveting news, my favorite character was killed off in last Sunday’s “World on Fire” episode, so I’m skipping the rest of the eps. It’s just too depressing. When nothing good happens, ever, one tends to lose interest. However, there’s a new “Lupin” season on Netflix, so at least I can watch that.

    Wishing everyone a nice, peaceful day at the Pond.

    • Why is Abigail Spanberger leaving Congress to run for governor? Is she sick of Congress that much that she wants to be governor, a job that only lasts 4 years? Does she think Tim or Mark might retire, opening up a Senate seat? I know that I would hate being a House member, a person whose only value is a number to be added or subtracted from a majority or minority but people do it and some seem to thrive.

      • Jan, I have no idea! I think it’s a stupid move, myself. As if patriarchal old Virginians would ever vote for a woman governor! Duhh. Meanwhile, now that poor Jennifer Wexton has to give up her seat because of her illness, an entire army of persons are going to run for her 10th District seat. It’s rather disgusting that the guy we elected to the State Senate for the first time has decided to throw his little hat into the ring.

        I want a Democratic woman in that seat. I’ll support whoever wins the nom, naturally, but we need Jennifer Boysko, who (a) has made a special effort to reach out to the Muslim population in Northern VA, and (b) introduced legislation to make menstrual products free of sales tax. A Democratic woman will work for women’s rights, unlike The Woman Comstock, whom Wexton defeated in 2018.

        • Thanks for that information! I will be watching the 10th District race. The Woman Comstock was deplorable with her pretend moderation enabling the Republican Party to destroy America.

  8. Oops – I started boosting Dee’s Xitter round up and forgot to check in.

    It’s 61 heading for 66 and mostly cloudy. Yesterday we generated right at 6 KWHs and the m-t-d at 90.9 is on track for 180 – but it won’t be after today if it doesn’t clear off.

    Fineena’s got a social worker coming today. Hoping he will be helpful, know of other services she can tap into and help her tap into them. Mostly hoping though that the various combinations of doctors will coordinate medications properly, find out what’s wrong, and do something to alleviate it.

    Back to boosting. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  9. Good afternoon, meeses! Thursday…

    It was 65 when I got up and about 78 now. The sun is behind the clouds and it is very sad. There was a thimbleful of rain this morning and there may be more later today.

    Busy morning, now I am going to put my feet up and catch up on my word games.

    See all y’all later!

  10. Friday Meese. 39 going up to 64 here in Kingston. Pleased to see more Puerto Rico stories than usual today.
    Puerto Rico

    In the ongoing debate surrounding the recently reintroduced Puerto Rico Status Act (PRSA) in the U.S. Senate, it is crucial to recognize the complexities of Puerto Rico’s potential shift in status and the inherent responsibility that lies with U.S. lawmakers. Recent endorsements from Connecticut’s political leaders on the PRSA have raised concerns that their support may stem from electoral strategies and pandering to pro-statehood donors rather than a genuine commitment to addressing the multifaceted issues involved in this pivotal decision for Puerto Ricans.
    The PRSA, while a progressive step in many respects, falls short of providing comprehensive and transparent information vital for the Puerto Rican nation to make an informed decision regarding their future. Puerto Ricans, who have suffered 125 years of U.S. colonial rule, have fought long and hard for the right to self-determination, freedom, and to exist as a nation. This struggle deserves to be met with a bill that avoids the pitfalls of past referendums, which were often marred by boycotts due to their reliance on incomplete or biased language.
    A bill aiming to decolonize Puerto Rico must confront essential and important matters head-on, such as: the official language post-statehood, the transition to federal taxation, the future of maritime restrictions like the Jones Act, and others. These are not trivial concerns that can be deferred to future educational campaigns without binding commitments. Puerto Ricans are entitled to clear answers to these fundamental questions now, not after they decide on a status option.
    Language is the bedrock of Puerto Rican culture, with at least 95% of the population being Spanish-speaking dominant. The island nation’s daily public operations — from government and judiciary to media — are conducted entirely in Spanish. The PRSA must clarify if Spanish will remain the controlling and official language, as any imposed shift to English could irreversibly alter the island’s cultural identity.

  11. Good morning. Happy Friday! I actually ran a little this morning. My hip never did say “stop”,so I ran 2 30 (or more) second segments on each lap of my walk. After my fall a week ago, I wasn’t going to run on the down slope — but it just occurred to me I could run on the up part so I’ll try that Monday. Anyway, chilly enough for long sleeves but I’ll regret them this afternoon when it’s 78. But we have a file-pulling project going on, so I need the sleeves so my arms don’t get chafed. Anyway, happy Friday.

  12. Good morning, meeses! Friday …

    It is 59 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 75. Mainly cloudy skies are in the forecast and a 30% chance of rain. We got a fair amount of rain yesterday and the air smelled monsoony coming up from the wash. I don’t care for the humidity but we need the rain. One more day of rain and clouds then we get our sun (and my early morning stars!) back again.

    So a rich white supremacist anti-semite buys a media company and uses it to promote white supremacy and anti-semitism. Why is anyone shocked? The only shocking thing is the number of companies still advertising on Musk’s platform knowing full well that their ads are right next to hate posts. I see enough good content and peeps I like to read on BlueSky so there is no reason for me personally to even look at X any longer except for Dee’s posts here.

    Also, too, a man who has spent his entire adult life gaming the legal system and the courts to escape legal responsibility is gaming the legal system and the courts to escape legal responsibility for business fraud and crimes related to election fraud and insurrection. Not shocking that Constitutional protections are being used by a man who will suspend the Constitution should he regain power. Deplorable.

    I have to spend some time on my to-do list this morning to make sure that I have the information I need for planned projects for the weekend. Then I am going to do my best to shut down my computer and take some ME time.

    See all y’all later!

  13. It’s 57 heading for 53 and overcast. There’s a slim possibility that it may clear off this afternoon. Yesterday we generated 3.5 KWHs. No the m-t-d at 94.4 is not on track for 180. sigh.

    Sighs for the rest of the world, too. For various reasons. And tears.

    Fineena’s still “in process” as far as the social work/visiting nurse group is concerned. But they’re starting her on a free food delivery for a few months to see if that works for her. (As in can she eat the food they deliver – it’s not one of those where you get any choice. And also as in will it fit in her freezer – it’s a once-a-month delivery & most of the food is frozen.) None of the tentative steps they’ve taken regarding the swollen painful leg have helped yet. She’s planning to call her doctor today. For a phone visit if possible and an appointment if not.

    All I can do to help anybody anywhere is pray/channel Good Energy & boost. I’m always doing the former. Time to get onto the latter. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

  14. Good Friday morning, Moosekind. The sky has clouded over again. It was that way when we woke up at 6:30, then it became beautiful, and now it’s overcast again. The imaginary rain is scheduled for late tonight. Right now it’s 64 F., scheduled to go up to a record-breaking 70 F. No wonder my petunias are still going strong! The mint is yellowing a bit, but still there.

    Yesterday was sunny and gorgeous, just right for a 3-hour visit with Darling Niece in Reston. We had lunch at La Madeleine and, wonder of wonders, were able to get the table in front of the fireplace! After lunch we drove to the next shopping center to visit the massive, brand-new Barnes & Noble. There was a time when the sight of that many books would have unhinged my brain. I see a book, I want it. Now I prefer to buy books on Kindle. Kindle is a boon to those who wake up sleepless at 2 a.m., wondering whyinell they can’t sleep.

    Reston still has trees in color, so driving home I became drenched in nostalgia as I remembered other autumns, other lunches at La Mad with my Circle. It was all I could do not to dissolve into tears. (First-world indulgence, I know.)

    In the afternoon I had the Resident Publications Committee meeting. One of the hazards of living here is that you never know when your favorite people are going to pop off. A lovely woman died on Tuesday. Heck, I bought two books from her at the bazaar on Saturday and one of the Committee members had dinner with her Monday night! She slipped into a diabetic coma and that was that. So sad. She was such a jolly, outgoing woman.

    Today is the meeting of the Bio Book Club. Little do they know that I’m not going to do it after this. I’m getting too tired. I’ll do a mass resignation from four organizations at New Year’s.

    Wishing a good day to all at the Pond.

  15. Good morning, 38, light clouds and frosty roofs outside my window today. I’ve been absent for a few days but appointments are over and knee pain is being iced so now if I can address my grumpy attitude I may have a good day. Dee, so glad to read your cancer treatment is doing the job. May the next round do the same! Hope it’s not to hard on you. As always my best wishes to all.

  16. Good morning, meeses! Saturday …

    It is 61 degrees in Tucson with an expected daytime high of 64. It is partly cloudy now but I was able to see the stars over my mountains. Clouds will be moving in and the forecast calls for rain off and on today. We had some rain in the middle of the night.

    It is already the middle of November and 42 days (and 7 weekends) until the end of the calendar year! I need to focus on getting organized for year end tax planning and accounting projects for clients. Where did 2023 go? I still have a sticky note on my monitor with a list of things I needed to do at the beginning of 2023 to prepare for the new year and only 1 of them got done. I guess I will change the 3 to a 4 and move forward. In any event, I have a list of personal projects and one client project that need to get done this weekend and I best get to it.

    See all y’all later!

  17. Good morning. I’m getting my windows caulked today. They left some really big gaps when they put them in, people in other buildings have said they needed more than mere caulking. And I’m picking up my groceries, making risotto with mushrooms for my Thanksgiving.

  18. Good Saturday morning, Meese! ‘Tis 53 F., gray, and windy this morning. The wind is so strong, the leaves are doing a slow dance off the trees. Enough trees are bare in the woods across the way that we can see the squirrels’ nests. Thank Goddess this is an inside day! Yesterday our high was 75 F., if you please. No wonder my crazy petunias are still struggling to bloom, even though they’re fading—just like their owner.

    Back here at the ranch, my third play (really, a playlet) will be performed today during the Drama Club meeting. Apparently, the audience is unfamiliar with llamas, so one actor found pictures of them online and the other actor is printing out pictures with his color printer. I fell in love with a llama a long time ago. She was marked down from $900 to $495. She wanted to chew the buttons off my raincoat. Had nowhere to keep her, so I had to pass up that bargain.

    To jazz up the meeting, I’ve mixed up a batch of Ruby Wilcox’s Hot Lips Cookies. The recipe calls for half a teaspoon of ground habanero pepper. I’m also bringing lemonade to cool the people with hot lips. The mixture is chilling in the fridge, after which I have to roll it into a log, slice the log into cookies, and bake them at 325 F. It’s a monstrously large recipe that calls for 1 and 1/2 cups of cashews! Gad.

    This has been a horribly busy week and I’m tired of being so busy. Did I say that before? And the Drama Club meeting isn’t all—we’re having dinner here with friends tonight. They wanted to take us to lunch last Saturday but I was too ill after the endoscopy, so we asked them to dinner at the restaurant around the corner from us.

    That’s all from me this morning. I did see the lovely horned Moon last night as I walked to the UU dinner. The WaPo has finally admitted that Loudoun County is in drought mode. (Thanks, Gigglelicious.) Wishing a good day to all at the Pond!

  19. It’s 41 heading for 67 and sunny now the fog’s burned off. Yesterday we generated 2.7 KWHs. No, the m-t-d at 97 is not on track for 180.

    Just got back from the last Farmers Market on the Square for the year and picked up 5 lbs of Pink Ladies for eating fresh and 3 lbs of Granny Smiths for either eating fresh or baking. Apple crumbles are nice. Both these varieties are good keepers, so I may ask my son to bring me a bag of mandarins so I can alternate. We shall see.

    I wish the ordinary, happy, comfortable progression of the seasons of our mythology were actually true. For everyone everywhere. Nature’s responsible for why not some of the time, but most of the time it’s the short-sighted and genocidal greed of colonizer cultures that have invaded every land on this planet. Sigh. I don’t know how to stop that. But I keep praying anyway.

    It’s Wings & Aji’s 6th anniversary. Time flies. Off to start my boosting day. Holding the Good Thoughts for everybody. {{{Meeses}}}

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